Category: Save Money


How to Set and Reach Your Financial Goals

A dream is just a dream until a plan is created and executed. It can be a challenge to know where to start, as some days the expenses seem to come in faster than you can keep up. It’s time to take a step back, think about what you want for your life and begin building that future today.

How to Set

You are probably familiar with the concept of goal setting in your everyday life. Often, they take on the form of dreams, like someday having a vacation home in Hawaii or being able to complete a half a marathon. It’s fantastic that you have these dreams and dare to imagine bold things for your life.

However, financial goals should be approached differently. This is why it is difficult for many people to ever achieve their goals, because they don’t know how to set them. A great place to start is taking the time to really think about what is most important to you. Where do you see yourself in five years based on the current financial decisions you are making? Are you happy with this? If not, why? What needs to change? You may want to sit with your partner as you both talk about your goals. You may be surprised at what they have to say and how it may spark ideas of your own! Some examples of other’s financial goals are: paying off credit card debt, starting an emergency fund or saving for a down payment on a vacation home.

How to Attain

If you haven’t heard of the acronym SMART, it’s time to apply it to your financial strategy.

S – Specific

Your financial goals need to be specific. What is it exactly you want? Instead of saying, “I want to be a better saver,” change it to, “I will be a better saver in the entertainment part of my budget. I will do this by…”

M – Measurable

Because we are dealing with numbers to begin with, your financial goal should be something that can be measured. This is so that you can tell how far or close you are to the mark. “I will increase our emergency savings by 10 percent.”

A – Achievable

Are your goals out of this world? That may be good for daydreams, but if you are wanting an action plan, it should be attainable. For example, saying that you hope to win the lottery by buying tickets isn’t exactly achievable. Have a goal that is within reach and motivating.

R – Relevant

Is the goal relevant to your life? Does it make sense? If your goal is to buy a luxury vehicle, but you still have many other debts, it may not be a good goal. If it isn’t relevant to your life at this time, it can be put on the back burner.  It’s all about the climb.

T – Time Bound

Every goal needs a time stamp. If there isn’t, the goal will just be floating in your mind. This can make it less motivating to accomplish, ensuring that it will never get done. Have an end date in mind. Once this date comes, evaluate where you are and what you did well. Take the time to recognize what you can work on for the next goal. Keep building off of this until you get to where you want to be financially!

Once you start setting some financial goals, open an account with us to help you continue that success!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


7 House Buying Tips to Save Money

It’s finally house hunting season and you could not be more excited to get the ball rolling on your big purchase! Before you hit the road or the search bar, take these 7 tips into consideration.

1. Know Your Limits

Before signing the papers or falling in love with the first home you see be realistic about what is in your budget. We recommend spending no more than 25 percent of your monthly income on the mortgage. When you know what this number is, be sure to stick with homes in that price range. Don’t even go into homes that are going to be proportionately out of that limit, or you may kick yourself later as you feel straddled with a home you can’t afford.

2. Be Realistic About Fixer Uppers

While they are fun to watch on TV, if you don’t have the skillset to actually fix homes, a house that needs a lot of TLC is likely not for you. Many see a low price on a home and jump on it, thinking the work needed will be minimal and easy. When it comes to home improvement, no fix is simple and this is even more true if you are a newbie to the renovation game. Often people do not realize the time commitment and additional cost that come with dramatic improvements.

3. Provide a Strong Down Payment

The more you are able to give for a down payment, the greater equity you will already have in the home in addition to a lower monthly payment. This will save you money on interest in the long run.

4. De-clutter the Current Space

It’s time to spring clean your “extras.” We all have things sitting around our home that go untouched and unneeded. Start selling these items at a local thrift store or posting them for sale online. This will help to make your move easier and be a helpful way to start saving for the down payment!

5. Take Your Time When Shopping

Don’t let the desire to get out of your current living space cloud the judgement of the purchase. Take your time studying each home and realize that this is one of the most important big purchases you will make in your lifetime. It needs to be a thoughtful, decisive purchase.

6. Eliminate Other Debts

Get a great deal on the mortgage by making sure your credit score is in tip-top shape. A large purchase with a loan or credit card right before you buy a home will certainly have an impact on your mortgage rate. Boost your credit score by paying down the debt you have and stay away from any other purchases until after the home is in your possession.

7. Conduct a Personal Roof to Basement Inspection

Know the property backwards and forwards before signing the dotted line. This means hiring a trusted inspector and having a contractor come to confirm the findings. After this, there is still a final step. You need to conduct a thorough inspection to ensure that you know exactly what you are in for. This is a great checks and balances system to confirm that you are getting a fair deal that won’t end up costing you thousands in repairs later.

Be smart with your finances and don’t spend all your money on a “dream home.” We’re here to help you know how much house you can afford, while offering mortgage solutions to fit your needs.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS #407724


Budgeting Basics: How to Save on Inconsistent Income

While budgeting for a fluctuating income can be difficult, Peoples Bank & Trust is here to help offer a few strategies to lessen the madness. Finding a process to help soften the blow of the months where revenue drops is a perfect solution. Check out the following rules you should follow when living on an inconsistent income.

Know Your Baseline

Always having an idea of your lowest point for income will help you prepare for the months where fewer dollars come through the door. You’ll also need to know your bare-bones budget, as in how much money do you need that month to make it through – like groceries, utilities, rent, childcare and so on. By knowing the minimum amount of money you need, you’ll be able to compare that to the minimum amount of money you’d potentially make that month. This will help you know what costs to cut, so you can break even!

Build Your Rainy Day Fund

Your emergency fund is there for times like this. If your income is fluctuating, you will need to prepare for the unexpected. The general rule of thumb for your rainy day fund is to accumulate three to six months of living expenses. Work on building up to the six months, and then add a little more for a buffer, in case your income is lower for a longer period of time than expected. This will save you from having to dip into a savings account if a large expense comes your way.

Give Yourself A Grace Period

It takes time to get into the budgeting rhythm, so don’t give up the first month if you don’t hit your goals. Keep your eyes on the prize and learn from your budgeting mistakes. If your income is unpredictable, it doesn’t mean your budget has to be. Utilize apps on your phone or make an old school spreadsheet – whatever works best for you! These tools will help you keep track of expenses, so you can stay on target as the months pass.

Spend Based Off Your Lowest Paycheck

When your income fluctuates from paycheck to paycheck, depending on how many sources of income you have, try basing your budget on your lowest paycheck. This will help you learn to keep your expenses low, while offering extra cash to pay off debt or add to your emergency fund.

We hope these budgeting basics help you continue to save and stay financially sturdy with an income that rises and falls. If you’re looking for a safe place to keep your savings, we have a savings account option for you! Peoples Bank & Trust also offers different solutions to grow your money, so feel free to discover more about the benefits of banking with us.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


3 Questions to Ask Before Using Your Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund

If you’re new to budgeting, we recommend having a $1,000 cushion to help offset the cost of an emergency expense without it derailing the rest of your budget. If you aren’t able to put the $1,000 aside now, start small and work your way up to a number that is comfortable for you.

When is a financial emergency, truly an emergency? Establishing an emergency fund is an incredibly important part of your budget, but knowing when to use it is just as important. Ask yourself these three questions before dipping into the pot:

  • Is it unexpected?

Unfortunately, life can hit us with some difficult challenges that result in significant financial hardship. These are the situations in which use of the emergency fund is acceptable. This could be an unforeseen medical expense, like a child’s broken arm. Or, maybe you lost your job and will need some help getting the bills paid until you find new employment.  These type of events are unexpected and difficult to plan for, as you hope you will never have to face them. What would not be “allowable” is using the EF (Emergency Fund) to pay for expenses that you know are coming each month, such as a cable or utility bill.

  • Is it urgent?

The word emergency typically implies immediate. For example, if you have a sick loved one who needs you across the country, it won’t do them any good for you to wait until you have saved up enough money to visit. They need you now and it is reasonable to use the EF to get there.

  • Will it fulfill a need?

For many, it can be tempting to spend the large amount of money accumulating in your emergency fund. But this is where you need to truly consider needs vs. wants. For example, let’s say your dishwasher broke. Of course, this is not ideal and can make your life more difficult, especially if you have many people in your household.  However, it wouldn’t be categorized as a need. You can wash dishes by hand and start saving for a new one. But, if your dishwasher broke causing water damage to the cabinetry, this would qualify as an unexpected and urgent need to take care of as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for a safe place to keep your emergency fund, allow us to help it grow a little by placing it in a savings account with us!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


4 Steps to Buying a Home That Won’t Bust Your Budget

It’s that time of year when you’re likely to see ‘for sale’ signs on every block. Maybe you already have your eye on one and go out of your way to drive past it on your way home from work. Before you leap into purchasing a home, be sure to take these four steps before signing the bottom line.

1. Understand Your Monthly Expenses

Alarmingly, many Americans don’t have a true understanding about what money they have coming out each month. This can be a dangerous territory to get into, as it’s likely that there are a significant portion of the expenses that may be unnecessary. Take the time to have an understanding of what each of your monthly expenses are and if any can be cut or lessened. Maybe there’s a subscription you’ve forgotten about or haven’t realized how much money you are putting towards name-brand groceries each month.

2. Know What You Can Afford

Once you have your expenses broken down, you will have more of an idea of what you have coming out. Next, you should understand what you have coming in. Account for each person’s income contribution for the home. Subtract your monthly expenses from the after-tax amount and you will have an idea of what you can afford. You may want to consider meeting with a mortgage specialist to have a robust account of what homes could be in your price range.

3. Understand Home Buying Expenses

Being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities that sometimes can’t be accounted for. From broken pipes or a leak to a busted HVAC, the costs can be overwhelming at a moment’s notice. It’s important to understand the expenses that may come out of home ownership. Even if there isn’t something breaking, you have the responsibility of additional upkeep.

4. Set a Goal

Once you have a complete understanding of where you are and where you might be, you can set a goal. If the house you want is out of your price range, make it a goal to be able to afford a home like this. Take a look at what expenses can be cut in addition to how you can make additional income to get you to your goal within a reasonable time frame.

Don’t strap yourself into a payment that won’t fit your lifestyle. Allow us to help you purchase your dream home with a mortgage from Peoples Bank & Trust!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS# 407724


Spring Into Cash With These Top Savings Tips

The grass is always greener on the other side of winter, but is your bank account? Make the most out of your spring by boosting your savings. All it takes is an idea and some creativity to make some green this spring!

Skip the Gym

Of course your health should take top priority in all seasons. However, it’s great to switch up your routine, not only for your health but potentially for your wallet! Now that the weather is warming up, you can look for some alternatives for working out. A gym membership has its perks, but you can find activities outside to get your heart rate up and keep your body strong – for free! These could be running outside, biking, hiking or even outdoor yoga!

Switch to Generic

More often than not, the generic version of most products are indistinguishable from the brand name. This goes for food, hygiene products and even medicine. You can cut your expenses by ⅓ by switching to generic everything when you have the choice!

Buy Used

Spring is typically the season when you see many garage or yard sales. People are anxious to clean out their homes for the spring while making a little extra cash! This is definitely something you can jump on board with, but if you don’t have the time, consider doing a little secondhand shopping for items you already need. It won’t save you any money to go secondhand shopping to only end up with many items you don’t truly need. However, if you are in the market for something like new clothing, shop around in your neighborhood before heading to the mall.

Make Savings Automatic

When we take the decision out of whether we will save and make it an automatic, I will save, it’s more likely to come to fruition. Set up an automatic savings account so that a percentage of each deposit will automatically go into your savings account. This is a great way you can see your savings grow and grow this spring!

Keep your cash safe by opening a savings account with us after utilizing these top savings tips!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Five Secret Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

Raising your credit score can seem like a daunting task, or you may not really care what your score is. However, a credit score affects more than you may realize, which is why we find it important to share our knowledge. Develop consistently strong credit habits with these secret keys of advice from Peoples Bank & Trust.

1. Show you can handle all types of debt.
Debt comes in all different forms, from car loans and mortgages to credit card bills. Instead of paying for an item in full, consider putting that purchase on your credit card and paying in increments. When it’s time to get that new car you’ve been eyeing, add those payments to your list of different types of debt. Each time you create a new loan and pay off your purchases, you’ll see a bump in your score. Be wary of getting too big of a loan or making multiple purchases on your card – be realistic on what payments you can make each month to avoid accumulating too much debt.

2. Make payments on time.
If you decide to open a new account to show your good money habits, be sure to create a schedule for yourself. Don’t forget a payment, even if it just happens here and there. Every time you don’t pay on time, you’re instantly hurting your credit score.

3. Utilize your credit cards to the fullest.
Keep in mind that some of your credit is based on how long you’ve had a credit card. If you finally pay off that debt on your oldest card and decide to close it so you don’t spend anymore, this could actually hurt your credit. Once you pay off your debt, keep your card activated – this will allow your credit to continue to grow! We offer credit and debit cards that can help you work on bettering your credit.

4. Pay off the lowest-balance card first.
If you’re dealing with a lot of debt and feel overwhelmed, come up with a system to help lessen the stress. Find out what card you owe the least on and work to pay off that first, while making your minimum payments on all other cards. While snowballing your money and paying off the highest amount of debt first has been recommended, it may be wise to flip that idea around. You’ll need the boost of energy you get from paying the lowest amount of debt off to keep on track. Knocking your debt out this way won’t hurt you, as long as you continue making your minimum payments.

5. Ask for a credit limit increase.
If you regularly make payments on your card by following rule number two, feel free to ask the credit card company for a credit limit increase. By getting an increased limit and not spending more than you usually do on your card each month, this translates into a better credit score.

We hope you put these simple tips to good use. As your credit score continues to climb over time, you’ll be able to apply for larger loans. Working on strengthening your credit score will lead to other good financial habits. If you’re looking for a credit card, search no more – we have what you’re looking for!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS #407724


5 Best-Kept Secrets for Buying a Home

Buying a home may be a common practice for the average American, but it is not a simple one. This is especially true if you are new to the game and have yet to learn the ins and outs of the process. No need to worry, we have plenty of experience from our years in the home buying business and are willing to share the best-kept secrets on the market!

1. Start Today

If buying a new home seems far into your future, that means you are in the perfect position to prepare. Often, many have dreams of a new home but don’t start planning practically for how to get there. Maybe you haven’t bought that new home yet because you’re not financially ready for the investment. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a way to prepare. With a home purchase, you will have closing costs and a down payment. Start saving for this now! Imagine how much quicker you can get not only to your goal of home ownership, but having the ability to purchase the home you want without the down payment and closing costs being an inhibition. Additionally, the more you’re able to put down up front, the less your monthly payment will be!

2. Don’t Go Big

The saying, “go big or go home,” doesn’t apply to the purchase of your home. The big, shiny house on the block may catch your eye, but may not be the house for you. Often, people see a big home and instinctively want it to be their own. Yet, this may not always be the best choice. Large homes can be difficult to resell, as the market for them is different. Not to mention, you’ll have additional utility and upkeep costs that come with increased square footage. You have a greater chance of profiting off of a smaller home when it comes time to sell than a large one.

3. Go Shopping

For the open houses that you see as you drive around town – go to them! Become familiar with a variety of homes and their details. What are they pricing homes at in the neighborhood? What is the structure like? Ask as many questions as you can, and expose yourself to a home you may have not considered before. You may be surprised by what you like!

4. The Secret Bid

Know your limits and stick to them. There are many that buy more house than they can truly afford. This is why it’s important to not fall in love with the home until everything is signed. Meet with an inspector and make a fair offer, but realize that this is likely not going to be accepted in round one. At the same time, it’s important to not automatically shoot too low, as it may offend the seller which can set a rigid precedent for any future bids. Do your research on the property and the neighborhood before deciding on the first bid.

5. Negotiate, Negotiate, Negotiate

This is where the communication gets tricky and scares the newbies. Haggling might not be a common practice in our culture, but this is the time to be bold. Don’t hesitate on going back and forth on an offer. This is a normal process and it makes you a smart buyer.

When looking to buy a home, Peoples Bank & Trust offers options suitable for your financial needs. Contact us today for more info.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS #407724


4 Ways to Spring Clean Your Finances

As you begin to write your to-do list of cleaning your home this spring, it’s time to add another section to your list: finances. You wouldn’t believe how helpful it is to do a deep cleaning of your finances every spring. It can contribute to increased feelings of determination and confidence in all areas of your life. Here are the 4 best cleaning moves to add to your list!

Review Your Debt

Unfortunately, too many people try to turn away from realizing their total amount of debt. If you have gotten into a bad habit of spending more money than you can you can truly afford, it’s time to come to terms with the reality of what you owe. Going through the numbers of credit card and student loan debt can be a shock. However, it’s important to know your numbers so that you know what you have to work with. You can’t conquer your debt if you never face it!

Dust Off Your Budget

It’s normal to drift away from your budget. This may mean your budget just wasn’t working for you. Review what your original budget contained and think about what worked and how you can improve upon it now.  Can you do better with your savings? A great trick that can help is to automate your savings. Decide on a percentage and have that taken portion automatically transferred to your savings account.

Go Green

This one can hit two birds with one stone. Are you still saving your paper bank statements? Clean out your home by shredding these important documents and set up an online banking account. Another option would be to simply make copies of your papers and upload them to a cloud drive. You should save your tax documents for no more than seven years. Most everything you’ve received by paper you can get with an online banking account. This will keep your information secure and your house clean.

Spot Check Your Credit

Your credit score can be checked without penalty one time from each of the three credit reporting agencies for free. This is important to not only know what you owe but to go through the report with a fine-tooth comb. Mistakes can happen on your credit report and why let that hold you back financially when all it would take is a quick check?

With these simple cleaning tips, you can go into this spring feeling refreshed and responsible. Spring clean your finances by seeing what products we can offer to help!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


6 Money Themed Activities for Preschoolers

Is four years old too early to be learning money management? We don’t believe so! There are many American adults who still struggle with understanding their own finances and keeping a budget. By starting their education early on, you will build their confidence and familiarity with money in order to build a stable foundation for the future. The question is, how do you make it engaging for preschoolers? Here are our 6 favorite money themed activities for your youngsters!

1. Learning About Coins: Time to Sort

To begin teaching little ones about money management, it’s important for them to learn the money itself! A great place to start is to build their familiarity with coins. Grab a muffin tin and ten nickels, dimes, quarters and pennies. Challenge your preschooler to sort each of the coins and teach them the names. You could teach them how to make a pattern in each tin. For an additional challenge, you can label each muffin space with a value where the student can match to each coin’s value. Show them that ten pennies have the same value as a dime and so on.

2. Playing Store

Use the materials you already have around such as play food or simple toys. Label each item with a price tag of five, ten, fifteen or twenty-five cents. Play pretend by giving each student a certain amount of change and teaching them that items always have a value that is exchanged for money. This can help them with counting and remembering the worth of coins.

3. Clip Coupons

Sure, you might take the more tech-savvy approach when it comes to coupons, but the old-fashioned practice of clipping coupons is a fun hands-on way to teach youngsters the worth of items. Once you have the coupons of interest, take them to the store with you and make a game out of finding the items. This is a helpful way to teach them about the importance of saving money.

4. DIY Piggy Bank

Every child should have a piggy bank! Whether it’s a simply decorated jar or a paper mache pig, it is a smart way to teach them about saving early!

5. The Allowance Game

If you want to teach children that in order to get money, they need to work for it, there is no better time to start an allowance. For a preschooler, you can have them do simple tasks around the house. They can “purchase” items from your own DIY store in the home. You can purchase candy or small toys that the child can exchange their earnings for. Let them know the value of each item and clearly explain what they would need to do in order to earn this.

6. The Dollar Dance

To teach preschoolers about bills, grab some ones, fives, tens and twenties. Throw them in a hat and draw one at random. Whatever value you draw, have the child do something X many times. For example, if you drew a $5 bill, you could have them spin in a circle five times. This will help them to become familiar with the value of each bill and where it is located.

These are all good ways to start teaching today’s youth not only about money but how to manage it well. Starting young will give them the confidence they need to be successful with their purchase and investment decisions in the future. Open a savings account for your little one today to teach them more about money!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender