
Renovate Your Home Without Breaking the Budget

Are you ready to mix things up in the design of your home, but not ready to burn through your precious money to do so? We know some tips and tricks that will allow you to revamp the look of your home without going overboard on price. Keep reading to find out how!

Improve the Lighting

The lights in a room can drastically affect a room’s tone. Swapping out those harsh, flickering lights for softer, warmer lights will give your room a more comforting feel. Another lighting trick is to hang mirrors in rooms that need to be brightened up. Mirrors make a room look bigger and increase the light throughout the room.

Removable Wallpaper

Although wallpaper might’ve had a bad reputation in the past, the new, improved and modern versions of removable wallpaper make changing your space affordable and simple. The best part is that it goes on easily and comes off with no damage to the walls, allowing you to change up a room at the snap of your fingers.

New Cabinet Handles or Faucets

Updating the handles on your cabinets or the faucet of your sink can make a world of a difference. New and modern handles have the ability to completely change the look of your kitchen or bathroom, and they aren’t a big investment. Replacing your old kitchen faucet with a sleek, contemporary one can give your kitchen a whole new look.

Rearrange, Don’t Repurchase

You don’t have to buy all new furniture in order to make your living space more attractive. Search the Internet for furniture setups that fit your room, and try rearranging your furniture to match. Sometimes something as simple as changing an item’s location could improve the look of a room.

Paint the Front Door

Upgrade the outside of your home by putting some primer and a few coats of exterior paint on your front door. You could choose a bold color that would catch a passerby’s eye, like red, or go for a modern look like black. It’s also a simple fix to add a door knocker or update the handle. Research suggests that updating your front door can increase a home’s value as much as $8,000!

We hope these money-saving renovation tips will allow you to give your house an upgrade without burning through your wallet. More questions about renovation on a budget? Give us a call and we’d be happy to help.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Why You Should Bank Local

You’ve heard big banks advertise their services all over the world, but most consumers don’t realize all of the benefits that come with banking local. When it comes to customer service, banking fees and ethical choices, banking local is the smart choice, and we’ll tell you why.

Great Customer Service

Because local banks have less customers than your average megabank, the employees have the chance to form deeper relationships with the people they serve.

Tailored Programs

Community banks have the ability to create unique and personal programs for their customers based on their needs. Big banks suggest they have more choices and services, but most local banks offer those exact services, too.

Ethical Standards

Because of the direct effect the employees’ behavior has on the community, local banks hold their employees to a very high standard. Local banks understand the policies of where they work, and they also invest in other small, local businesses.

Lower Fees

Fees, like the ones at ATMs, are becoming more common among megabanks and the prices are rising as time goes on. Research shows that local banks offer more free accounts to their customers as well as charge fewer fees compared to big banks.


Megabanks, just like any big business, have lots of customers to help. You might find yourself with a question or concern but end up waiting on hold for hours. Local banks are dedicated to providing their customers with convenience and satisfaction.

Involvement in the Community

When it comes to giving back and charity involvement, local banks are there. Customers feel a sense of satisfaction knowing the business they support gives back and cares about others. Community banks love supporting charity events like races or fundraisers, which is why their logos are commonly advertised throughout the community.

These often-unknown benefits of banking local are important for consumers to hear about. Community banks want what’s best for YOU. Contact Peoples Bank & Trust with any questions, and take a step in the right direction by banking local today!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Spring Cleaning Your Budget 101

Maybe you’ve started a budget but have found it complicated, time-consuming and not worth it. In the spirit of springtime, consider cleaning up your budget and starting fresh. A new season means a new and improved budget!

Find A Purpose

What’s the reason you started a budget? Maybe you are saving for your wedding, or possibly wanting to reduce your debt. Whatever the purpose is, make it clear and remind yourself of the reason you started. This will give you motivation to continue sticking to your budget!

Establish Your Priorities

What’s your main finance priority right now? Two of the most important concerns should usually be building an emergency fund and repaying debt. Keep these things in mind and be sure to incorporate them into your budget.

Write Everything Down

Sometimes the best way to clearly see the problems in your budget and spending is to put everything on paper. One idea is to keep a pen-and-paper list of every single thing you spend for an entire month. Look over the list at the end of the month, and you’d be surprised at the changes you could make to your budget. 

Learn From Your Past

If you’ve tried budgeting before, you probably know a little about what works for you and what doesn’t. For example, let’s say you went way over budget in the month of December because of Christmas. Try adjusting your budget in other months to give yourself more leeway in December. Take what you’ve learned into account and make alterations to your budget based on them.

Plan For The Unexpected

Maybe in the past you stuck to your budget, but out of nowhere, something threw a wrench in your plans. You could lose your job, have car problems, need maintenance on your house… the list goes on. This is where your emergency fund comes in; having a backup plan relieves a lot of stress!

Be Proud of Your Progress

Whether you’ve saved thousands of dollars already or just recently decided to start budgeting, you’ve made important progress. Take a moment to gain motivation by looking at how far you’ve come!

Budgeting can seem scary and complicated at first, but sometimes you just need to take a step back and plan your next steps. This spring is the perfect time to start fresh with your budget! Open up an account with us to store your savings this year.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


7 Personal Cybersecurity Tips

As time goes on and technology expands, people are becoming more and more prone to cybercriminal attacks. By following some basic tips, you could avoid a multitude of problems in the future!

1. Use Strong and Varying Passwords

This is probably the most obvious and common cybersecurity tip known to web users. Don’t underestimate the importance of your password strength! Change your password every once in a while to be safe (recommended at least once a year). Also, don’t use the same password for more than one account.

2. Be Careful With Your Personal Info

Personal information, like your address, birthday or phone number, should be posted carefully. The smartest option would just be to keep as much of that information off of your social media as possible. These personal details are used by cybercriminals to locate individuals. Better safe than sorry!

3. Recognize and Stay Away From Phishing 

Phishing is when someone poses as someone they aren’t to trick people into giving them information, clicking on a dangerous link, etc. This is the most common way ransomware attacks originate. Be suspicious about the emails and messages you receive and don’t open messages from people you don’t know.

4. Utilize Two-Factor Identification

Many social media sites have two-factor identification options and most users don’t take advantage of this helpful security option. Two-factor identification prompts you to not only enter your username and password, but also another personal identification code.

5. Update Your Software

Keeping your device’s software updated might not seem like a safety-related tip, but both businesses and consumers have suffered from hackers due to not updating. Try turning on the automatic updates offered on your device.

6. Say No to Public Wi-Fi

Using public Wi-Fi if it’s available seems like a no-brainer. What most people don’t realize is how much easier it is for cybercriminals to access your accounts and devices when you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect your device while using public W-Fi.

7. Install Trusted Apps Only

Not all applications are safe, and not all of them can be trusted. Check reviews and ratings before installing anything you’re unfamiliar with!

Don’t let yourself fall into the statistics of those dealing with cybercriminals! Protect your devices, accounts and personal information by following these tips and always being cautious online.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Homeowner Costs People Forget About

Are you thinking about taking the big step of becoming a homeowner? Purchasing your first house is a significant and exciting change, but it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget about certain costs. If you want to make sure you have all of your financial bases covered before owning a house, keep reading!

Lawn Upkeep

The cost of maintaining a lawn is one people often underestimate. Whether you hire someone to keep your lawn looking fresh or decide to do it yourself, it will cost some money. Besides needing a lawn mower for cutting your grass, keep in mind things like pest control, weed killer, fertilizer and landscape. Some other equipment needed in lawn upkeep includes a hose, sprinkler, rake, weed wacker, trimmers and much more.

Keeping it Clean

Keeping a house clean is much more challenging and costly than cleaning a small apartment. Many families not only add onto their collection of cleaning supplies, but usually double almost all of the supplies they own. It may sound unnecessary, but once you have to start making trips up and down stairs to clean different levels of the house, you might want to double your supplies, too. 

Property Taxes

One of the biggest payment differences between paying rent for an apartment and paying a house mortgage is property tax. It’s important to figure this out beforehand and add it to your estimated monthly payment so you know what to expect. To get a general idea of how much you’d be spending in property taxes, use an online property tax estimator.

Immediate Renovations

After buying a house, it’s normal to want to turn that house into a home. Homeowners are constantly looking for things to improve, like redoing the kitchen cabinets, fixing the deck, changing the wall colors, finding a new floor you love… the list goes on. Keep in mind when house hunting what you’d want to change about the houses you look at and add this to the list when considering your expenses.


This one seems obvious, and although this particular cost won’t be coming out of your pocket, it’s a very important component to consider. Owning a house means doing everything yourself – something you didn’t always have to do while living in an apartment. Keeping up with maintenance, dealing with pest control and tending to the lawn are some of the many time-consuming things that come with being a homeowner. 

Now that you’ve considered some of the unexpected costs of owning a house, you’re able to make a more informed decision on if taking this step is the right choice for you right now. We offer mortgages that will help your homeowner journey become a little smoother.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


5 Things to Teach Your Kids About Money

Parenting isn’t easy, and we are here to help you in whatever ways we can. Keep reading to learn about these 5 simple and important things to teach your kids about money!

1. The Importance of Saving

The easiest way to encourage your kids to save money is by getting them a piggy bank. Some kids are fascinated by the piggy banks that automatically count your change, and other kids would enjoy a lovely glass pig to keep their money in. Go to the store and let them pick out a piggy bank they love, and they’ll soon find that keeping their money inside is enjoyable. Encouraging them to put their earnings in their piggy bank will teach them the importance of saving money early on.

2. How to Make Money

Implementing chores as a regular thing is a great way to teach them about earning their money. Start simple and give them a small allowance when they help out with some household tasks. Giving your kids an allowance without having them work for it is giving them the wrong idea about money. Chores are a perfect way to get your housework done quicker, and you’re teaching your kids a valuable lesson while you’re at it!

3. The Danger of Impulse Buying

Kids tend to be very impulsive and often have a hard time thinking through their decisions before making them. Teach them about the danger of impulse buying by not giving them everything they ask for right away. For example, if they see a toy in the store that they’re interested in and immediately ask for, don’t give in. Start saying “no” and explaining why it’s not a smart purchase. Kids learn by observing, so make sure you’re controlling your own impulse buying so they are observing good spending habits.

4. How to Budget

If your middle school or high school child has a part-time job, odds are they don’t have a whole lot to provide for quite yet. Teach them the importance of budgeting while they’re still living under your roof so when they move out, they’ll already know how. There are lots of helpful budgeting apps or plans online to get them started on. 

5. Giving Back

Giving back is an important part of being an active community member, and also teaches kids other great qualities like being selfless and considerate. Let them choose a charity, organization or church they are interested in and teach them the importance of giving.

If we all do our part to teach our children about money, we’ll be bettering the next generation. Open a savings account for your child with us!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Financial Planning Basics

If you’re thinking about revamping the way you handle your finances, the first step is to plan. If you lay the details out and write things down, you’ll be much more likely to follow through and be financially wise. We’ve gathered some of the basic and practical tips when it comes to financial planning!

Start an Emergency Fund

You don’t realize how fast your money can disappear until an emergency happens and you have no choice but to spend your hard-earned money. Planning and implementing an emergency fund into your finances is so helpful and gives you a sense of peace knowing you have a backup. This emergency fund can start small and build over time, but having some sort of cushion in case of emergencies is better than nothing.

Live Within Your Means

This is a hard concept for many people to grasp. The mistake of living beyond your means for a temporary period of time is commonly made and always regretted. Remember the stage of life you’re in, then think about the unnecessary items you’ve been spending money on. Living within your means is easier said than done, but your future self will be thankful.

Review Last Year’s Spending

A great way to plan ahead financially is to look back on previous years’ expenses. If you’re hoping to save more money this year, reflect on your purchase regrets or unnecessary spending from the year before. What did you spend money on last year that you really didn’t need? Now start cutting back on those things in the future.

Contribute to Your Retirement Plan

Studies show that millennials are waiting longer and longer to start saving for their retirement. With things like student loans, housing, cars, etc. it’s not easy to save for so far in the future. It might seem far away now, but it will come sooner than you think and it’s much better to be prepared. Start small if needed and work your way up, but start nonetheless.

Save, Save and Save!

Start factoring savings into your expenses. If you put it on the backburner while trying to meet all of the other expenses first, you won’t be able to build up a healthy savings account. Set aside a certain percentage of your salary before paying all of the bills, or to make it even easier, just have it automatically deducted into a savings account.

These are just some of the many factors that go into smart financial planning. It’s always nice to be reminded of the basics, because sometimes those are what make the biggest difference! Start planning your finances wisely today by opening an account with us!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


How To Save On Your Taxes

Are you kicking yourself for how you handled last year’s taxes? You can feel better about next year by learning a little bit about tax savings now. 

Consider Donations

Not only is donating to charity a great way to give back to the community, but it is also a smart way to have a tax write-off. It needs to be a charity that is recognized by the IRS in order to do this. This will require some organization on your part over the course of a year. You will be required to have written records. It should say the date of the contribution, the amount you gave and to who. If the amount is over $250 and you don’t have a receipt, the IRS may reject it. 

Increase Contributions to Your Retirement

If you contribute to a 401(k) plan or an individual retirement account, you can reduce your income tax. You would need to increase the amount that is withheld from your paycheck automatically.

Start Saving for Your Child’s College Tuition

It’s never too early to start saving for your child’s education. A 529 is a college savings plan similar to an IRA except it’s for college. The contributions grow tax-free, and withdrawals are not taxed for a college education. You can either use this for your children or for yourself to take a fun college course in retirement. 

Review Tax Credits for Children

Having children is incredibly expensive. Double-check that you’re getting all the tax credits you qualify for. You can itemize medical and dental expenses. As we all know, these costs don’t come cheap. Whatever you are paying out of pocket for these costs may be itemized along with the child tax credit. 

Begin a Health Savings Account

To help decrease some of the common stress of medical bills, consider starting a health savings account. Contributions made to an HSA are pre-tax dollars that can be applied to medical expenses. If you contribute the maximum amount, you can potentially save thousands on your taxes this year. 

It is possible to pay less in taxes next year; you just need to put the work into finding some ways that you qualify for exemptions. For more ways to save, contact us at Peoples Bank & Trust. 

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Graduation Is Coming – Have You Been Saving?

It’s never too early to save for college. Some parents start college funds even before their kids are born. If you have yet to jump on the savings train, it’s not too late to get serious about saving while in high school. The average cost of in-state tuition is around $10,000. Every dollar that you can save now will make a difference in the long run. 

Beef Up Those Grades

If there’s any time to hit the books, it’s now. Grades never mattered as much as they do in high school. Colleges will look at these to determine scholarships and admission to their programs. Even though getting good grades takes some effort and dedication, it will help you financially in the long run. Not to mention it will help to make you a better student in college, which may lead to you getting more scholarships in college. 

Get Involved

Don’t shy away from putting yourself out there! Sign up for extracurricular activities whether they are academic or athletic. Colleges will like that you have interests outside of the classroom. They may notice that you’re a team player, creative or like to challenge yourself. 

Look for a Side Gig

Don’t turn away from a part-time job! Any money you save now can make a difference, especially if you’re able to work all four years. Even if you make $400 a month, that is potentially close to $20,000 you can have by the time you graduate. 

Take AP and College Courses Now

Advanced placement classes are incredibly challenging. However, if you’re able to take them and do well on the final exams, you can earn college credit for free! Take advantage of every opportunity you can to get college credit while in high school. Any classes you take while in high school are free. Think about how great it would be if you could cut down your college years by a year or more! 

Start Scouting for Scholarships 

Another side job you should consider is researching and applying for scholarships. There are scholarships for nearly everything – even being left-handed! Consider spending an hour writing a scholarship essay, and you could end up receiving $1,000. You just made $1,000 an hour. 

Start a 529 Plan

Is high school too late to start a 529 savings plan? Absolutely not. There are tax benefits to having one that will still be a helpful fund towards college admission. 

To learn more about ways to save or starting a savings plan, contact us at Peoples Bank & Trust. 

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Cybersecurity Top Tips for Traveling

Whether traveling for fun or for work, you are hopefully busy enjoying the sites. However, it can be easy to get caught up in the adventure that you forget to stay on top of your personal cybersecurity protection. While you begin packing your bag, don’t forget this list of top tips!

Update all of your devices.

You’ve probably made sure your devices are charged, your toiletry bag is refilled and you have new reading material for your voyage. But before walking out the door for your trip, you need to update every device you have. These periodic updates that you see from the manufacturer do more than produce slight layout changes. They protect your device by patching holes and fixing bugs in the software. If not done, your wall of protection has weak points that can be taken advantage of. 

Watch out for wandering eyes.

In addition to keeping an eye out for anyone who may physically take your device or other items, watch out for lurkers. They may be looking over your shoulder or at your laptop from behind you. They’ll be looking out for any information that can tell them how to enter into your device. 

Always lock devices.

If you don’t have a passcode on your devices, you will want to get one. Don’t make it easier for criminals!

Remove auto-connect features.

Sometimes, it can be great to know that most public places nowadays have free Wi-Fi. Especially when traveling internationally, you may rely on this to send a simple text message to family back home. However, for your own security, it’s most important that you disable the auto-connect feature on your Wi-Fi. You want to set up your device so that it only connects to networks that you consciously choose. 

Turn off Bluetooth.

Similar to Wi-Fi auto-connect, Bluetooth should be turned off unless you are choosing to use it. The reason for this is that criminals will use this as an opportunity to connect themselves to your phone and crack into it remotely. If you’re like most people, you have a lot of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on your phone. This can be used to take your identity. 

Statistics on Cybercrime 

  • You are 20 times more likely to be robbed on your computer than on the street.
  • 14.4 million people were victims of identity theft in 2018.
  • It is estimated that 33 billion records will be stolen in 2023.
  • The US government spent $15 billion towards cybersecurity in 2019.

With these tips in mind, we hope you have a safe and fun travel experience!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender