Monthly Archives: November 2015

Black Friday Shopping Tips


Black Friday. This phrase conjures up images of awesome deals, 3 a.m. store openings and slightly crazy shoppers.

For those looking to get a jump on the holiday season, it’s a great opportunity to knock out some of your shopping while saving money. However, Black Friday is not for the faint of heart. It takes solid planning, execution and willpower to pull off.

Here are some tips you should put into action if you’re thinking of participating in the madness that is Black Friday this year.
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Holiday Shopping Tips


Ah, the holidays! They are fast approaching, meaning so is the tradition of holiday shopping. While many may enjoy the thrill of going from store to store purchasing things for family members, you may find holiday shopping stressful. Stress from shopping can come both from a financial aspect as well as simply being in the chaos of other shoppers in stores.

However, we believe the holidays should be a joyous time, not a stressful one. We’ve put together a few holiday shopping tips to help you save more money, shop smarter and reduce the stress you feel during this time of year.
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Whip Your Finances into Shape for the Holidays


The period of time from mid-November to the end of December is a busy one for most households. These two months hold a number of holidays, meaning more shopping, gifts, groceries, cooking and overall hectic schedules.

All of this can result in more stress for you, which can be amplified if you are also stressing about money. Nearly 75 percent of American adults feel some financial stress according to a February 2015 from the American Psychological Association, so anything you can do to lower the amount of financial stress you feel is good for your health as well as your wallet.

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Starting a New Business: Accounts You May Need


Communities like those we serve every day rely on the success of local businesses, especially new ones, to keep the local economy moving forward. New businesses mean more people have jobs and income to spend within our community.

As a community bank dedicated to helping our economy grow, Peoples Bank & Trust is here to support small business owners and entrepreneurs.  Anyone looking to start their own business has four primary needs:

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