Monthly Archives: January 2022


Retirement Strategies for Your 20s

It may seem like a lifetime away, but retirement has a way of sneaking up on all of us. Something to remember when it comes to retirement is that the earlier you start saving, the better. Plus, you’re never too young to invest in your future. If you’re in your 20s, here are some helpful strategies you can implement to set yourself up for a successful retirement. 

Rid Yourself of Debt 

The first step in creating a retirement fund is to look at what you’re dealing with in terms of debt. If you can realistically pay off your student loan debt in less than 10 years, financial advisors often recommend that you focus on that before worrying as much about saving. 

401(k) Plans 

Investing money into an account specifically for retirement allows you to store up without paying taxes on gains until you reach retirement. If your employer offers a 401(k) plan, that’s a great place to start. 

Open an IRA 

On the same note, an IRA is a retirement account that has lower contribution limits than 401(k)s. This doesn’t have to go through your employer, either, so the amount you invest is more in your hands. If your company doesn’t provide a 401(k) match, the smartest route would be to max out on your IRA then put the remaining money into your 401(k). 

Create an Emergency Fund 

You may have a good amount of money stored in your savings account, but how much of that can be used in cases of emergency? Keep your life savings and your emergency fund accounts separate so you have a cushion if things go wrong. This will prevent you from needing to withdrawal from your retirement account or main savings account. Try to save three to six months worth of living expenses to be safe. 

Automate Your Savings 

If you have a hard time staying disciplined and remembering to contribute to your savings account each month, there’s a way to help with that. By making your savings automatic, you won’t even have to think about it since it will transfer for you. Set a savings goal for the year, figure out how much you’d need to save each month in order to make that happen and go from there! 

Keep an Eye on Your Account 

If you’re making saving for retirement a priority in your 20s, you’re in a good place already. Check back on your account frequently to see your savings grow and that will continue to motivate you throughout your 30s, 40s and beyond.  

Questions about retirement or unsure where to start? Our team is here to help! Contact Peoples Bank & Trust with any questions. 

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


How Much Does Moving Cost?

If one of your to-dos for 2022 is packing up your house and moving, you may be wondering how much that will end up costing you. While the amount varies greatly depending on how far, how much stuff you have and other factors, this blog will help you come up with an idea of what to expect. 

Average Moving Cost 

Local move: $1,250 

Long distance move: $4,890 

Factors Affecting the Cost 

The following factors are unique to your specific moving experience, meaning the price you pay varies: 

1. Fuel 

If you have a long-distance move, gas money is an expense to keep in mind. Not only do you have to drive any vehicles you have to the new home, but you also must pay a per-mile rate if you use a moving truck. 

2. Amount of Items 

The size of your moving truck will affect how much you pay for it, so if you have more things to move it will be more expensive. If you’re hiring a moving service, it’ll also take them longer to move the boxes out if there’s more stuff.  

3. Storage 

Sometimes moving gets a bit complicated and you need to store your belongings in a storage unit for a period of time. Storage rates vary as well depending on the place, how much you have to store and how long you store your items for. 

Cutting Costs 

Now that you know the general costs of moving, it’s time to discuss a few ways you can lower those costs to make your moving experience as cheap as possible: 

1. Reach Out for Help 

Ask your family members and friends to help with packing and moving if possible. There’s a good chance you’ll get plenty of help at no cost! 

2. De-Clutter and Sell Some Items 

One of the best ways to make the moving process both cheaper and easier is to go through your things as you pack and make a pile of items you no longer need. Take this extra stuff to a donation center and you’ll clear up lots of space in the moving truck. 

3. Find Free Moving Supplies 

Rather than going out to buy a bunch of boxes, seek out free supplies from grocery stores, office buildings, schools and other places that may have boxes to get rid of.

Do what you can to be prepared for the moving costs to come as well as to cut costs as much as possible. We wish you the best of luck on your new adventure this year and we hope the moving process goes smoothly! 

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Make 2022 Your Best Financial Year Yet

If your new year’s resolution is to take control of your finances, you’re in the right place. We’re here to give you some ideas on how to make 2022 your best financial year yet. All it takes is some time, discipline and lots of motivation! 

Figure out your monthly income. 

The first step is to start from scratch, which means re-evaluating exactly how much money you have coming in each month. If you work a job that has a varying monthly income, estimate it to be on the lower end to be safe. 

Create a list of all monthly expenses. 

Write down every monthly expense you have, first starting with the expenses that are guaranteed such as rent/mortgage, car payments, insurance, etc. Then, estimate what you spend on varying expenses such as gas and food. 

Look back at your payment history. 

Now’s the time to look back at your banking history in previous months and find out what extra things you’ve been spending money on. This step is difficult because you begin to realize just how much you’re spending, but it’s worth it.  

Adjust your budget. 

Once you divide those items into categories, decide how much you want to spend from now on. Using a budgeting app is a great way to break your expenses down into specific categories and keep track of just how much you’re spending. Make it a goal to stick with your budget, tracking all of your expenses if necessary until it’s natural. 

Build up your emergency fund. 

You never know what 2022 is going to throw your way, so adding to your emergency fund is crucial. Set yourself up for a stress-free year by preparing for emergencies and unforeseen payments to come. If you don’t have an emergency fund quite yet, this is the year to start one! 

Do regular budget check-ins and adjust. 

Once you’ve completed the above steps, it’s important that you continue to do regular check-ins to make sure you’re following your budget. With time comes changes to your finances, so adjusting your budget every so often is also important.  

If you want to take your finances seriously this year, this is a great place to start. Once you begin incorporating the basics into your routine, you can start adding things like investments to the list so your finances can continue to grow. Questions? Feel free to contact Peoples Bank & Trust and we’d be happy to help! 

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender