Monthly Archives: October 2021


Big Life Purchases You’ll Need to Save For

No matter what stage of life you’re at, there are big purchases on the horizon that are important to prepare for. The key to these not becoming big stressors is to start saving as soon as possible so you’re prepared when the time comes. Here are seven big life purchases you should start preparing and saving for today:

Tuition (Yours And/or Your Child’s)

Depending on your situation, you may be paying for your own tuition which means there will be some debt to pay off. If you’re still in high school, the time to start saving for college is now! You also might decide to pay for your child’s tuition. If that’s the case, it’s important to prepare for that as early as possible, too.

New Car

Whether you’re saving up for your first car or you already own one and are ready for an upgrade, a new vehicle can be a big expense. Many financial advisors recommend buying a used car and paying for it in full using cash to avoid interest rates. This means being patient and saving for a few years, so you don’t have to worry about making the monthly payments.

Wedding (Yours And/or Your Child’s)

Another big expense is you and/or your child’s wedding, depending on what you and your family decide. The average cost of a wedding in 2021 was $22,500 but this also depends on the size of your wedding, the venue and lots of other factors. If an expensive wedding isn’t in your budget, consider downsizing and sticking to just close friends and family.

Your First House

One of the more obvious big purchases comes when you finally buy your first house. It’s important that you do plenty of research before deciding on your first home to make sure you’re making a smart financial decision.

Furnishing Your Home

The payments don’t stop once you close on the new house. Now you must furnish and decorate the house to make it feel like a home. Consider buying used furniture and hand‐me‐downs so you can work on building your savings back up, then buying some new furniture that you love.

Growing a Family

Starting with the hospital bill when they’re born until the day they leave for college, there are constant expenses that come with having children. Once you decide you’re ready for your family to grow, it becomes more important than ever to save, save and save some more.

Contributions to Your Retirement Fund

It may seem ages away, but retirement will sneak up on you faster than you may think. The sooner you can start contributing to your retirement fund, the better, so it’s never too early to start. Contact us to learn more about retirement funds and how to start one.

All these purchases may seem overwhelming, but don’t stress yourself out too much. These costs are spread throughout many years of life, so if you start saving and make good financial decisions, you’ll be good to go. Peoples Bank & Trust is here to help you if you have any questions, so feel free to contact us!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.
Member FDIC
Equal Housing Lender
NMLS #407724


Cheap Home Improvement Projects

Ready to upgrade your home in a wallet‐friendly way? We’re here to give you lots of ideas for your next project. Rather than explaining each idea in detail, we’re going to list out 12 projects that you can take and make your own. Let’s get started!

1. Add a fresh coat of paint.

One of the simplest and cheapest ways to upgrade a room in your home is to pick a nice paint color for the walls. This can brighten and modernize your space in less than 24 hours.

2. Replace your cabinet and dresser hardware.

You’d be surprised at how much of a difference it makes to simply replace your outdated hardware for a more modern look!

3. Hang string lights on your patio or porch.

There’s nothing quite as warm and comforting as sitting under some beautiful outdoor string lights.

4. Repaint your kitchen cabinets.

If you have outdated kitchen cabinets, you might not have to completely replace them. Instead, paint them a lighter, neutral color or simply fix up the paint job that’s already done if you like the color.

5. Get a new shower curtain.

Swapping out your old shower curtain for a new and improved one is one of the cheapest ways to change the look of your bathroom.

6. Add an accent wall.

Have a room that’s a little boring? Paint one wall a bolder or darker color to make it stand out.

7. Get rid of the popcorn ceilings.

Out with the old and in with the new! Click here to learn how you can get rid of your popcorn ceiling on your own at home.

8. Paint the front door.

Upgrade your curb appeal by painting your front door to make a better first impression.

9. Replace your ceiling fans.

You can either get new fans altogether or save money by simply repainting the fans you already have to make them more modern.

10. DIY some wood shelving.

Give your kitchen the popular look of open shelving by building wood shelves for the walls.

11. Upgrade the house numbers on your front door.

This small change can make a big difference on your home’s curb appeal. Replace the old numbers with larger, modern numbers to match the look of your house.

12. Add some greenery.

One of the best ways to improve the look of your house is to add plants, real or fake, in the rooms that need a little life.

When it’s time to complete the bigger home improvement projects that might be a little pricey, Peoples Bank & Trust has the personal loan to help you get it done. Contact us or visit our website to learn more!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.
Member FDIC
Equal Housing Lender
NMLS #407724

piggy bank

How Do I Raise Money-Smart Kids?

Whether you already have kids or are just preparing for the future, navigating the world of parenting may seem overwhelming. Don’t stress too much, as parenting is often a “learn from experience” kind of process. But, as a primary role model in your child’s life, it’s important to have important conversations early on so you can prepare them for life on their own.

Be a Positive Example

Don’t overlook this step because it’s one of the most important! Kids learn by example, especially the example of adults they spend a lot of time around. You can have a positive effect on your child’s financial future simply by managing your own money well. This means creating a budget and sticking to it, avoiding impulse purchases, saying “no” to their requests sometimes and providing a safe space for them to talk about money with you.

Have Financial Conversations Early

As previously mentioned, having conversations about money is crucial for your kids to take finances seriously. Be open about financial lessons you’ve learned at their age, check in to see how they’re doing financially and be someone they can lean on for guidance.

Let Them Make Purchases, Too

This is something you can even incorporate into the lives of your youngest kiddos. While your younger children might not have money of their own quite yet, you can still give them the money you’re paying with and let them make the transaction. For example, if you’re at a store and they’re being rewarded with a new toy, give them some cash and let them hand it to the cashier. This teaches them from a young age that new things come with a cost.

Help Them Open a Savings Account

When they’re younger, a piggy bank works just fine for saving purposes. Once they reach the age where
they have a part‐time job and want somewhere to put the money they make, consider opening a savings
account. The earlier they start saving, the better!

Use Age-Appropriate Chores for Allowance

Allowance is a wonderful way to raise money‐smart kids, but only when it’s done the right way. Give your kids an allowance for completing a task to teach them that work is rewarded. When they’re younger this can be as simple as cleaning their room, feeding the pets or picking up their toys. Once they get older, they can help with things like cleaning the bathroom, folding laundry, doing the dishes or helping cook meals.

Budget With Them

Budgeting is especially important once your child is old enough to be working and making their own purchases. Help them come up with a realistic budget and show them the best way to track their spending, whether that’s using pen and paper or an app on their phone.

Yes, parenting can be taxing and tricky, but above anything it’s incredibly rewarding. Join the generation of parents who want to raise their kids to be financially wise! Visit our website to learn more about the services we offer or to open your kid’s first saving account.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.
Member FDIC
Equal Housing Lender


Cybersecurity 101 for a Remote Workforce

As remote work becomes more “normal” in today’s world, it’s important to consider the security risks that come with working from home. Whether you’re an employee or manage employees who work from home, these tips will help protect both you and the company you work for.

1. Use a VPN

If you ever must use unsecured or public networks, make sure remote employees are using a VPN. This will encrypt all your internet traffic which prevents outsiders from keeping tabs on your activity. Make sure you do your research and use a VPN that has good speed and stability, otherwise it could slow down your internet speeds.

2. Watch Out for Phishing

We’ve all received a phishing email before, and sometimes they’re obvious to catch. Other times, though, phishing emails look realistic and not like scams at all. Be careful and always check the sender’s email address and content of the email before clicking any links or responding. Another clear sign of phishing scams is when there are spelling and grammar mistakes.

3. Utilize Cyber Training Frequently

There are lots of cyber awareness programs that help track and improve the cyber risk of your team. The training your team completes should go over possible cybercriminal situations, how to handle them, rules for device use, new threats to keep in mind and more. This will help your employees feel more prepared when a cybersecurity issue arises.

4. Keep Devices Locked

Locking your device when you walk away from your workspace is an easy task to forget since it’s not a habit formed when you’re in the office. This is extremely important if you’re working in any public setting like a coffee shop, but you should even lock your devices when you’re at home. Your little one could end up messing with your keyboard and pushing buttons, an untrusted roommate might get snoopy… you never know and it’s better safe than sorry!

5. Use Strong and Secure Passwords

One of the most obvious but most important things when it comes to cybersecurity is using strong
passwords. Make sure it:

  • Doesn’t include personal information
  • Includes numbers, special characters, upper and lowercase letters
  • Isn’t too short

Password managers are a great option since it can be difficult to remember multiple complex passwords. They’ll keep your strong passwords organized and easy to access for your convenience and safety.

As a business, training staff on cybersecurity has become crucial and will only become more important as time goes on. Remote work isn’t going anywhere anytime soon – if anything it will become more common – so now’s a great time to send this article as a reminder to your team of remote workers!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.
Member FDIC
Equal Housing Lender