Monthly Archives: December 2015

The weather outside is frightful, and unfortunately, you need to face it

winter savings

Colder temperatures usher in a season of sick and sludge that sends us reaching for any means to escape it. As we buckle in for the winter, Peoples Bank & Trust encourages you to pay attention to these five areas to save money that’ll keep you warm ‘til spring:

  1. Pump up your tires: Low tire pressure kills gas mileage, and as temperatures drop, so will the pressure in your tires. Buy a tire gauge for $1 at an auto store, and fill up at a gas station offering free air. Make sure to double check your auto manual to make sure you’re not over-filling.
  2. Slash your pizza budget: We get it. When it’s cold and slushy and bitterly windy, the last thing you want to do for dinner is hop in the car to grocery shop. It’s the reason why sales of dinner orders spike by 25% in colder months. However, when the cost of most entrees shake out to $11 with tax and delivery fees, you’re better off making food from scratch and splurging on delivery only once a month.
  3. Trust generic remedies: When your throat is raging, you want the best cure available. Before you shell out big bucks at your upscale health food store, consider that overwhelming evidence suggests health supplements and herbs don’t work. What does? Store-brand aspirin, salt and warm water solutions, and honey to fix a variety of ailments, all of which you already have stashed in your cupboard for cheap.
  4. Brew it yourself: Nothing warms you up quite like a hot cup of coffee in the morning. Frequenting coffee shops and kiosks at $5 per mug adds up to over $120 per month for your weekday indulgence. Save all kinds of money by making your own cup of joe at home, customizing with mix-ins and creamers.
  5. Shop for quality: Some winter clothes like sweaters, hats, and socks may only last a season or two, but they can be replaced for cheap at end-of-winter sales. Outerwear like coats and boots might be pricier, but they should last you a decade or more with proper care. Invest in durable, quality outerwear to save yourself from making a big purchase again next year.

You don’t need to burn your cash in order to stay warm and comfortable this winter.  Instead, stop by Peoples Bank & Trust and learn about how we can help you grow the extra money you save.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC


Making the holidays a little brighter in your community

holiday donating

In the hoopla surrounding the holidays, “it’s better to give than to receive” can sometimes take a seat on the back burner. While you’re trimming the tree or cozied up next to loved ones around the table, others may be experiencing a much different celebration season. Medical conditions, job loss, and other unforeseen circumstances can limit an individual or family’s ability to experience December festivities – and that’s where you can assist in spreading cheer.

This season, scope out opportunities in your local community for you and your family to lend a hand. At Peoples Bank & Trust, we suggest looking into some of these possibilities to add holiday magic into the lives of neighbors in need:

  1. Make food and dish it out – Cookies and casseroles can be great gifts this time of year. You can provide them for those who don’t have the means or are short on food, as well firefighters, police officers and other public servants.
  2. Pack stockings for the homeless – Pick out some cheap stockings and fill them with practical items. These can range from food and drink (granola bars, bottles of water, etc.) to gloves, socks and hygiene items.
  3. Donate old toys – Kids’ toys and games can get pricey in a hurry. Purge your kids’ surplus toys to donate to children who would love to receive toys of their own.
  4. Pay a visit to a local nursing home – The holidays can be tough times for the elderly living in nursing homes. A small visit or gift from a stranger could brighten their day, or even make their entire holiday.
  5. Donate to a food bank – Winter is a difficult season, and it’s far worse if you don’t have enough food. Food banks and food pantries can put your donation to good use, and may offer volunteer opportunities as well.
  6. Have family members make a donation in your name – Replace one thing on your wish list with a donation made in your name to the charity of your choosing. Help someone through the gift of giving.

Our community is only as strong as we make it, and Peoples Bank & Trust would love to see you and your family building it up to its full potential.


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC


Teaching Kids About Holiday Spending

teaching kids money

Between the gift wrap and the endless treats and the presents stuffed under the tree, the holiday season can create more fear than cheer when it comes to your budget. If you have little ones at home, this fear can multiply as you seek to offer them the happiest of holidays. Use this month as the perfect opportunity to teach them about tracking, spending, saving, and giving money with these pointers from Peoples Bank & Trust.

  • Create a budget: Squeeze the most magic out of the holidays by creating a battle plan. Explain the concept of budgets to your kids. Once they comprehend how the basics of a budget work, mentor them to create one of their own, allotting a dollar amount on gifts for each person on their holiday list. Help them track their spending through the season and find a fun reward when they manage to stay on track!
  • Get crafty with gifts: If you haven’t been accumulating gifts as they’re on sale throughout the year, your wallet may take a serious hit when prices spike during the holidays. Try your hand at a homemade gift, ranging from thoughtful cards to favorite family recipes. Many of these heartwarming DIY’s can be created with supplies lying around the home or purchased for cheap. Your kids benefit when they unleash their creativity and see the thoughtful effort of a gift crafted by hand.
  • Shop smarter: Don’t leave your kids in the dark with the money you plan to spend. When you head to the store, be upfront about how much you plan to spend on what purchases and why. With that knowledge in mind, they can help you spot sales as your cruise the aisles. Turn your shopping adventure into a game by challenging them to find the best deal or most creative alternative. Add an extra level and pay with cash to give them practice counting money and deducting coupons.
  • Give, give, give: It’s better to give than to receive, and the holidays are the perfect opportunity to show your kids this principle in action. Explain that other families may or may not be in the same financial boat as you. Enjoy the season with other community members by volunteering or donating to organizations like Toys for Tots, your local food pantry, or Operation Christmas Child to help children and families in need.

The most wonderful time of year can still be a frugal affair with a little planning. Peoples Bank and Trust is always here to help your family make the most of your financials to start strong in the New Year!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC


Avoiding Fraud this Holiday Season

identity theft

Retailers cracked the $3 billion mark on Cyber Monday 2015, demonstrating that online shopping is alive and well this holiday season. As you plug private information into websites this month, take these precautions from Peoples Bank & Trust to avoid identity theft:

  • Make transactions privately: Public W-Fi networks are hotbeds of fraudulent activity just waiting to happen. Shared networks are at the hands of the service provider, who may not have firewalls and other safety measures up and running. Save your purchases for home or risk entering personal information into public domain.
  • Keep your ears open: Hackers know the holidays are prime time for theft, and it’s not uncommon for attacks on large databases from retailers and big companies. Pay attention to stores that have been breached through announcements via e-mails and news releases, and take action if information has been compromised by freezing your credit until the coast is clear.
  • Choose credit, not debit: Debit cards are direct gateways into your account, making short work for thieves who’ve gained access to your card. Opt for credit cards this month instead. They’ll leave a paper trail of purchases, and you can set a credit limit that’ll raise alarms if you go over. Plus, credit cards companies often provide full protection from charges made through fraud, helping make sure you don’t take a crisis level hit to your accounts.
  • Pick one card and stick with it: When possible, dedicate a single card to holiday spending. It’ll lessen the headache of tracking activity across multiple accounts and increase the reaction time to fraudulent activity. It’s also a clever move when you shop in stores, as it minimizes the risks should you misplace your wallet.
  • Make a list (of bills) & check it twice: As paperwork comes trickling in early January, pay attention to warning signs that something’s amiss. Bills that arrive later than normal, collection notices from products you never purchased, and being turned down for a loan unexpectedly are all clues pointing to identity fraud. If you keep a running list of purchases you make throughout the month, you’ll be able to more quickly spot charges that came from foreign sources.

Still a little wary of online activity? Check out more tips to protect your identity – and what to do if it’s stolen – from Peoples Bank & Trust.


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Equal Housing Lender

Member FDIC