Monthly Archives: May 2019


Top 10 Internet Safety Rules

The key to fighting cybercrime is knowledge and preparedness. Be sure you and your loved ones are following these top ten safety rules when surfing the web.

1. Don’t get click happy.

If you’ve heard the phrase, “Think before you click,” you won’t underestimate the importance of this safety rule. Our internet lives are saturated with opportunities to click on thousands of links, taking us to thousands of places. The trouble with this is that there are some links that are created with the intent to do harm. So when you open your email or see an opportunity to download a link, think about the legitimacy of the source before doing so.

2. Let’s get updates.

Making sure your devices have all of the suggested updates is pivotal to hacking prevention. Most updates involve some sort of patching that fixes potential weaknesses in your system’s cyber defense. Saving updates for later can end up costing you more time and worry.

3. Keep your personal information on the down low.

It’s common for many to overshare information on the internet, especially social media. But be aware that the information particularly valuable to cybercriminals are facts like your birth date, address and full name.

4. Public Wi-Fi is a risk.

As much as we enjoy an afternoon at a coffee shop utilizing free Wi-Fi, it is a fairly hackable way for criminals to creep into your device. You would be better off investing in a VPN to take with you instead. Here’s what you should know about buying your first VPN.

5. Know the meaning of TMI.

Too much information or TMI is not your friend when it comes to internet safety. Especially for children, it’s important to never post when you will be gone from your home on vacation or if you are home alone.

6. Stay informed on the latest scams.

Stay ahead of the cybercrime game by educating yourself on the potential risks and current threats to cybersecurity. A great resource is our blog and the FBI’s official cyber safety website.

7. Keep your password game strong and fresh.

The first line of defense you have is your password. As frustrating as it may seem to come up with a unique password with characters, numbers and capitalized letters, it can be the determining factor as to whether a criminal will get access or not. Keep it unique, memorable to you and change all of your passwords twice a year.

8. Be overly cautious with your money.

Scammers are seeking one main thing and that is to steal your money. Don’t give them an opportunity to do so and if anyone seeks you out to retrieve money, say no. They try to get any of your financial account information through text, emails or links.

9. Don’t open an email from an unknown source.

Because of rule #8, you want to be sure that you are not opening emails from sources you don’t know. One of the reasons for this is that they could have a harmful link that takes over your computer. Always be suspicious of unknown sources and be sure your email has a spam filter.

10. Exercise caution and judgement at all times.

You have to take responsibility when it comes to your online safety. Reading this blog is a great start! Whenever you are online, think critically about what you post and how you interact with all online information.

Stay safe online with these great tips! Then, sign up for our Online and Mobile Banking services to keep your funds secure.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


3 Questions to Ask Before Using Your Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund

If you’re new to budgeting, we recommend having a $1,000 cushion to help offset the cost of an emergency expense without it derailing the rest of your budget. If you aren’t able to put the $1,000 aside now, start small and work your way up to a number that is comfortable for you.

When is a financial emergency, truly an emergency? Establishing an emergency fund is an incredibly important part of your budget, but knowing when to use it is just as important. Ask yourself these three questions before dipping into the pot:

  • Is it unexpected?

Unfortunately, life can hit us with some difficult challenges that result in significant financial hardship. These are the situations in which use of the emergency fund is acceptable. This could be an unforeseen medical expense, like a child’s broken arm. Or, maybe you lost your job and will need some help getting the bills paid until you find new employment.  These type of events are unexpected and difficult to plan for, as you hope you will never have to face them. What would not be “allowable” is using the EF (Emergency Fund) to pay for expenses that you know are coming each month, such as a cable or utility bill.

  • Is it urgent?

The word emergency typically implies immediate. For example, if you have a sick loved one who needs you across the country, it won’t do them any good for you to wait until you have saved up enough money to visit. They need you now and it is reasonable to use the EF to get there.

  • Will it fulfill a need?

For many, it can be tempting to spend the large amount of money accumulating in your emergency fund. But this is where you need to truly consider needs vs. wants. For example, let’s say your dishwasher broke. Of course, this is not ideal and can make your life more difficult, especially if you have many people in your household.  However, it wouldn’t be categorized as a need. You can wash dishes by hand and start saving for a new one. But, if your dishwasher broke causing water damage to the cabinetry, this would qualify as an unexpected and urgent need to take care of as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for a safe place to keep your emergency fund, allow us to help it grow a little by placing it in a savings account with us!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


4 Steps to Buying a Home That Won’t Bust Your Budget

It’s that time of year when you’re likely to see ‘for sale’ signs on every block. Maybe you already have your eye on one and go out of your way to drive past it on your way home from work. Before you leap into purchasing a home, be sure to take these four steps before signing the bottom line.

1. Understand Your Monthly Expenses

Alarmingly, many Americans don’t have a true understanding about what money they have coming out each month. This can be a dangerous territory to get into, as it’s likely that there are a significant portion of the expenses that may be unnecessary. Take the time to have an understanding of what each of your monthly expenses are and if any can be cut or lessened. Maybe there’s a subscription you’ve forgotten about or haven’t realized how much money you are putting towards name-brand groceries each month.

2. Know What You Can Afford

Once you have your expenses broken down, you will have more of an idea of what you have coming out. Next, you should understand what you have coming in. Account for each person’s income contribution for the home. Subtract your monthly expenses from the after-tax amount and you will have an idea of what you can afford. You may want to consider meeting with a mortgage specialist to have a robust account of what homes could be in your price range.

3. Understand Home Buying Expenses

Being a homeowner comes with many responsibilities that sometimes can’t be accounted for. From broken pipes or a leak to a busted HVAC, the costs can be overwhelming at a moment’s notice. It’s important to understand the expenses that may come out of home ownership. Even if there isn’t something breaking, you have the responsibility of additional upkeep.

4. Set a Goal

Once you have a complete understanding of where you are and where you might be, you can set a goal. If the house you want is out of your price range, make it a goal to be able to afford a home like this. Take a look at what expenses can be cut in addition to how you can make additional income to get you to your goal within a reasonable time frame.

Don’t strap yourself into a payment that won’t fit your lifestyle. Allow us to help you purchase your dream home with a mortgage from Peoples Bank & Trust!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS# 407724


Spring Into Cash With These Top Savings Tips

The grass is always greener on the other side of winter, but is your bank account? Make the most out of your spring by boosting your savings. All it takes is an idea and some creativity to make some green this spring!

Skip the Gym

Of course your health should take top priority in all seasons. However, it’s great to switch up your routine, not only for your health but potentially for your wallet! Now that the weather is warming up, you can look for some alternatives for working out. A gym membership has its perks, but you can find activities outside to get your heart rate up and keep your body strong – for free! These could be running outside, biking, hiking or even outdoor yoga!

Switch to Generic

More often than not, the generic version of most products are indistinguishable from the brand name. This goes for food, hygiene products and even medicine. You can cut your expenses by ⅓ by switching to generic everything when you have the choice!

Buy Used

Spring is typically the season when you see many garage or yard sales. People are anxious to clean out their homes for the spring while making a little extra cash! This is definitely something you can jump on board with, but if you don’t have the time, consider doing a little secondhand shopping for items you already need. It won’t save you any money to go secondhand shopping to only end up with many items you don’t truly need. However, if you are in the market for something like new clothing, shop around in your neighborhood before heading to the mall.

Make Savings Automatic

When we take the decision out of whether we will save and make it an automatic, I will save, it’s more likely to come to fruition. Set up an automatic savings account so that a percentage of each deposit will automatically go into your savings account. This is a great way you can see your savings grow and grow this spring!

Keep your cash safe by opening a savings account with us after utilizing these top savings tips!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender