Monthly Archives: July 2018


Best Practices for Protecting Your Data

Over the years, cyber hacking has been on the rise – nearly doubling from 2016 to 2017. Out of all of those attacks, 93% of all breaches in 2017 could have been avoided with simple cyber hygiene practices according to Online Trust Alliance. That’s why we’ve decided to give you some updates on the latest cyber security practices!

Don’t Click It

Hackers are getting sneakier as to where they place their bugs. You may know not to trust a strange email from someone you don’t know, but what happens when you get an email from your university or a trusted place of business? Hackers have the ability to make their emails look more like something you could trust from a local business compared to the strange phishing emails you may be used to looking out for. Be extra cautious when reading through emails – and don’t click any links or download files if you weren’t expecting that in an email.

Turn On Two-Factor

Two-factor authentication gives you a second layer of protection if your data does get hacked. Many programs and devices offer this authentication choice, so use it whenever possible. This significantly increases your chances of staying safe from a cyber security hack.

Restrict Oversharing

By putting too much information on your sites, a hacker can use that data to hack into an account through your security questions. If you post about your adorable dog, Fido, chances are that dog’s name is in your password or security question. Also try to avoid posting your address, phone number, full name and so forth, as all of that can be used against you.

Generate Multiple Emails

We’ve all heard not to have the same password for everything – and we know many of you are still guilty of that. However, you may have not heard about having different emails for separate reasons. A good rule of thumb is to create three separate emails: one for strictly banking, another for emails to friends and family and one for all your stores and shopping coupons. This will help block hackers from getting into all your different accounts and finding personal data.

Install Ad Blockers

On any web browsers you use, be sure to install ad blockers or turn on your pop-up blockers. This will help save you from trying to close out of something and getting a virus that came up when you were searching online. Having any potential ads blocked will help keep your computer clean and your data safe!

We hope these new practices help protect your data from potential hackers. If you have any questions about your information being safe with us – no need to worry! We’re proud of our security practices and hope you will be able to say the same after making a few improvements.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


So You’ve Bought Your First Home: Savings 101

Congratulations! You’ve taken a big step in your financial future by purchasing your first home. As a new homeowner, you may be worried about the chunk of change you just spent, and your bank account may be looking a little slim right now. Luckily, Peoples Bank & Trust is here with a few simple saving solutions to help your funds increase.

Slow Your Spending

As you have just made a big dent in your savings, now is the time to slow down on your purchasing behavior. Be sure to be aware of your spending habits. Don’t go shop for an extra pair of shoes or dine out multiple times a week, as that can add up in a hurry!

Revamp Your Emergency Fund

A bigger house means bigger emergency expenses. Put a little extra money here and there into your emergency fund to save up for problems such as needing a new roof, replacing a broken appliance or common plumbing issues. Being prepared means your bank account will take less of a hit since you have your emergency fund to fall back on.

Stretch Your Grocery Dollars

Eating out can cost you a fortune! According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average household spends an average of $3,008 per year on dining out. Instead, find discount grocery stores such as ALDI in order to meet your budget. Setting a budget and only buying items you truly need will help stretch your money. Finding recipes for casseroles, soups and other large portion meals will help save money by creating leftovers for you to bring as lunch every day to work.

Don’t Buy New Furniture

Even though you’re excited and want to decorate your new home to the extreme, try to wait. Slowing down and taking the time to find second hand stores, garage sales and so on will help save you hundreds to thousands of dollars on furniture. It’s easy to do a little digging and find store-quality items.

Clean Out the Closet

As you’re already packing to move into your new home, now is the time to get rid of items you no longer need. Facebook Marketplace, Ebay and other online platforms allow you to easily sell items to others all over the world! Not only are you freeing up space in your new home, you’re making a few extra bucks along the way!

Being a homeowner is an exciting new journey, but keeping up with your finances can be a little hectic. These tips will help you put a few more dollars in your bank account while enjoying the joys of your new home!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


How to Adult: Financial Starters

It’s been said that youth is wasted on the young, but let’s not let that be true of those of you who are fresh into the adult world. We get it, many adults feel underprepared and overwhelmed at the amount of responsibilities that snowball after college or high school. Don’t fret! The fact that you are even taking the time to read this says that you are going to be okay. We have compiled a list of basic adult financial musts that will help you navigate this new terrain.

Build a Basic Budget

Many who have been in the adult world for years still do not have this down. Training yourself to say no to the short lived pleasures will translate to accomplishing your goals faster in the financial world and in other aspects of your life. You may finally be out of school and making a consistent income. This is exciting and scary as you see that the longer you are in adult world, the more expenses you have. This is why keeping a budget is crucial.

There are many different ways to budget, but one of the simplified ways is to break down your take home (net) pay and divide it by percentages. Dedicate 50 percent towards your living expenses such as rent, insurance and food. Allocate 20 percent towards savings and 30 percent towards good ole’ guilt free fun. This will help to ensure you are covering all of your bases no matter what your salary increases to.

Protect Yourself

While there are many new expenses being thrown at you, one crucial payment you can’t forget to make is that of insurance. Making sure you have quality auto, home and life insurance will help to provide cushion from a setback that could put you in the whole for years to come.

Automate it!

We already mentioned allotting room for savings in your budget and the easiest way to do this is to take the decision making out of the equation. Make savings automatically come out of your paycheck, and not only will you start building up an emergency savings, which is a crucial first step, but you will quickly accumulate savings for fun things like vacations or a down payment on a house. You’ll be surprised how fast it adds up!

Educate Yourself

Just because you’re out of the schoolhouse doesn’t mean you should stop learning about the less exciting topics like finance. Take time to read influential financial books, talk to a trusted banking partner, or to a friend or family member whose financial habits you admire. Do you really have a grasp on what credit means and how to best use it? Simply ask and seek for answers, and no, we don’t mean just Googling your questions. The financial world doesn’t have to be intimidating, just start digging in!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


3 Keys to Managing Your Money When You’re Self-Employed

If you’re similar to 10 percent of the active American workforce, you are self-employed. Those who enjoy going into business for themselves find a great degree of freedom and empowerment. You have more value for your work, no uniforms, get to choose your customers, not to mention unlimited vacation days. However, these benefits can be quickly overshadowed by the effects of poor money management. In order to make your dream successful, there are certain key habits and skills you should have or develop in order to help your business thrive.


You may have already thought about the most exciting aspects of your new business such as the products you are selling and your logos. However, in order to keep the things you are passionate about alive, you need to keep your finances highly organized.

Taxes – Many self-employed people forget about Uncle Sam until they are hit with a shocking letter. Unlike the days when your employer would automatically deduct taxes from your paycheck, you will need to do this all yourself. This should take priority over everything else because the costs of not doing so can shut you down. Keep in mind that you may need to pay an additional 15 percent self-employment tax in addition to your regular income taxes.

Budget – In addition to a personal budget, you need to create a business budget to allocate expenses like postage, childcare or insurance. Calculate the basics of that you will need to make ends meet. Decide what salary you are going to pay yourself every month. These are the items that many forget about that could cause your business to fail. Decide what percentage you are going to spend on what categories each month and stick to them.

Tracking Expenses – It may be easy to dismiss a small business lunch here and there, but not having a system of tracking can severely disrupt your budget.

Open Separate Accounts – We can’t stress the importance of this enough, but the secret to staying organized and on track is having your business accounts separate from your personal accounts. You can create an account where you put a percentage of your income in just for taxes so you never have to sweat when the quarterly taxes become due. Come see us at Peoples Bank & Trust to look at our business account options.

Plan Ahead

While there are many items to stay on top of for your business, you shouldn’t neglect your own goals for the future such as retirement or emergency savings. While it may be great you are your own boss, you no longer have the matching 401k contributions that many employees receive as benefits. This means you will have to make it even more of a priority to save for your post-work life.


There may be some months where you make double or even triple the amount of profit you had estimated. When this happens, take out the same amount that you always do towards the items in your budget and anything extra put into the Emergency Fund.  We recommend doing this in percentages, so no matter if you make a lot or a little you are still funneling money into every priority you have.

On months when you don’t make as much money or even if you make no revenue, you’ll be thankful that you saved your profits from the high income months. Eventually, you should aim to hit the point where you can go 3-6 months without a salary because you have built up a significant savings. This takes diligence and self-control. It takes doing the little things right, every month.

Adopting these key habits into your business plan is going to set you up for success, so you can focus and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


De-Junk the Digital – Cleaning Your Cyber Life

While you may be noticing the cobwebs in your ceiling corners as you begin your summer cleaning project checklist, it’s just as important to clean out the digital cobwebs at least once a year! If you have no idea where to start, don’t fret, we have created an easy list for you to chip away at in one day without too much elbow grease.


Why is it important to de-junk your digital life so often? The first reason is safety. You can’t be cyber-safe if you aren’t an active participant in monitoring your own data and safeguarding it from potential hackers. Second, those precious family photos from last year’s vacation could be gone in an instant if you don’t back up data most important to you. Lastly, re-evaluating your storage, web plans and physical devices can even save you money!

Data Bugs

Just like house cleaning, start with the toughest and most dreaded “room” first. For your house, this might be your bathroom, or for your digital life, it’s your files. Get those pesky and unnecessary files deleted off of your desktop and organize the important ones into folders. Don’t forget your downloads folder, as items seem to multiply quickly in there.

Consider utilizing cloud storage where you don’t have to worry about your files being held hostage (Ransomware). Invest in secure backup services and double check that you are up to date on your security software. Not only is your information up for grabs from scammers, but you could even be storing personal information about your friends that could threaten their web security as well. Cleaning this up will give you the peace of mind that you’re protecting others as well as yourself.

Spam Sweep

We all have that junk mail that keeps piling up. Instead of just deleting them, save yourself future time by unsubscribing from all of the non-essential sites. You don’t want to open up emails that could be potential threats to your security. Find all of your old email accounts that you no longer use, and close them.

Even having additional information available about yourself out there and not monitoring it can cause a huge headache later. Keep it squeaky clean. Just like ridding your home of junk, less is always more when it comes to your private information. Safeguard it. Protect it.

Old Passwords:  Bite the Dust

It’s time to have new passwords for all of your accounts. Each account should have a different password, and if you have a hard time remembering all of these, try out a (SAFE) online passwords manager. There are a variety available, but make sure to do your research before you choose one.

Squeaky Clean and Smart (Phone)

Similar to your computer, delete any phone apps that you no longer use and make sure all of your photos are uploaded on the a cloud based service. Do you have your phone password protected? If not, put one on immediately, or update it if it is a numbers-based log in. Take a look at your current phone plan, and see if it’s time to reconsider your plan or provider for better services or price.

Scrub a Dub Devices

Lastly, it may be time to recycle your old gadgets you aren’t using any more. Maybe you can make money off these items! If not, it’s still a great idea to go through even your oldest devices and scrub them clean of your personal information.

Utilizing these digital decluttering tips, you can start with a clean slate!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender