Monthly Archives: August 2019


Online Safety Tips for Kids

Technology is everywhere and used on a daily basis nowadays, so how do we protect our children when online? Now more than ever is the most important time to sit down with your kiddos and really explain the importance of being safe while online. That’s why Peoples Bank & Trust wanted to offer some main points to touch on with your kids when discussing online safety. 

Family Rules:

  1. I won’t tell my address, name, phone number or other special information to anyone online or post it online.
  2. I will tell mom or dad right away if something does not seem right when I’m on the computer or my phone.
  3. I’ll never meet anyone I speak to online, unless my parents say it’s okay and come with me.
  4. I’ll talk to my parents about posting certain things online if I’m unsure, such as pictures.
  5. I won’t give anyone my passwords, even my best friends.
  6. I won’t download any games until checking with mom or dad.
  7. I will not say mean things to anyone online and tell my parents if I do see something like that, or if it happens to me.
  8. I will have mom or dad help install privacy settings on any online platforms I’m using.

Tips for Mom and Dad:

  • Have your child on their phone or computer in open areas, like a living room or kitchen. Don’t allow them to be alone and on technology if they are young.
  • If you’re comfortable with it, you can limit what your child does or keep an eye on their actions with certain tools and settings. One tool to use is YouTube Parental Controls. Click here to learn more about this.
  • Educate yourself on social media, so you know what your child is getting exposed to.
  • Continuously talk to your young children about being safe and make sure they understand and keep the promises above.
  • For your older children, give them more space and freedom with their technology. However, continue to have open conversations about what is new in the online world and if they are experiencing any issues such as cyberbullying or came across something that made them uncomfortable.
  • If your child has an older sibling and feels more comfortable talking to them, encourage them to have discussions about what they’ve seen online so they can talk about ways to stay safe, as well as what’s right and wrong.

We hope these tips allow you to keep your children safe while online. Technology is an important part of society now, but it’s always vital to keep discussions open and honest about the online world, so there is a good flow of trust and communication within your family.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


8 Surprising Costs of Buying a Home You Need to Budget For

Buying your first home is so exciting. It can also be a little nerve wracking the first time around if you don’t have any guidance. Here’s what you should know about the home buying process before, so you aren’t shocked by the expenses that come along.

The Appraisal

An appraisal is when you have a home expert come and determine the value of a home. They have no stake in the outcome of their conclusion, so you can expect an honest answer. You will want to be sure to have an appraisal completed to ensure that you are not paying more for the home than what it is worth. This can cost upwards of $600 and should be factored into your budget.

Home Inspections

Some get appraisals and home inspections confused. They are both important, but the home inspections are more tailored to your needs and may help to answer some of your questions about the conditions of the home. By getting an inspection, you are able to have a better understanding of the home’s condition. This can cost an average of $300.

Closing Costs

Sometimes, you may be able to convince the seller to pay the closing costs. Yet this isn’t something that should be relied on. Closing costs cost an average of 2-5% of the value of the home’s purchase price. It includes costs such as loan fees, taxes and title searches.

Homeowner’s Insurance

If you’ve rented prior to this, you may be new to fire insurance or more commonly known as homeowner’s insurance. It differs from rental insurance, as that covers your liability and personal items, while homeowner’s insurance also covers the physical structure of a home. The average cost for this is $1,500 a year.

Home Maintenance

The nice part of renting is that you aren’t responsible for home maintenance. Surprisingly, many are unprepared for the maintenance that comes with home ownership and how this can create additional expenses. You are going to need to buy basic items like a lawnmower, snow blower and a leaf blower.


If the prior owners hadn’t cleaned, you may have an additional expense of getting the carpets cleaned before you move in. Carpets should be professionally cleaned once a year, so if they haven’t been cleaned immediately prior to your move in, you may want to schedule a cleaning. This can cost $300 for a 1,500 square foot space.

Homeowners Association Fees

A homeowner’s association is a part of an organization that enforces rules and regulations for your property. They charge a fee for the upkeep of the property in addition to shared services among the community. These are typically due at closing, but you should be aware that the average HOA fees increase by 5% each year.

The Big Move

Often forgotten or not factored, is the move itself. Moving is an expensive business, especially if it’s across state lines. You will need to figure in the costs of movers, moving materials and transportation. These usually cost an average of $3,000.

Budgeting for these costs will allow you to have a correct price in mind when house hunting. Our team offers great insight into our mortgage products. Discover more today!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS #407724


Savings Hacks for College Students

While college remains one of the best ways you can invest in yourself and your future, it doesn’t change the fact that the costs of attending college only continues to grow. Focusing on your education should be your top priority while you’re in school. However, developing strong saving habits can not only cut costs while you’re attending college, but those habits can also help you be more responsible with your money once you’ve graduated.

Set a Budget

While this may seem simple and obvious, creating a budget is the first step in any successful savings strategy. Outline what your monthly expenses are, including things like going out with friends on weekends, and figure out how much money you have. If you’re working while in school, your goal should be to have your income be more than your expenses. If you’re living off money you made during the summer, figure out how much you can afford to spend so that it lasts you throughout the entire year.

Saving on Supplies

While your school’s bookstore may have the latest and greatest when it comes to logoed swag, shopping there won’t help you when it comes to saving money for your school supplies. When it comes to notebooks, pens, pencils and backpacks, you’re much better off going to a local big box store.

Additionally, buying new course textbooks from the campus is usually more expensive than exploring other options. Whether it’s purchasing a used copy of the book, using an older version of the text book or exploring book rental programs online, finding alternative textbook solutions can save you hundreds.

Getting a Part-Time Job

Even if you’re considered a full-time student, you probably have some free time outside of attending classes, doing your homework and studying for exams. If you find yourself with extra time, getting a part-time job is a great way to earn extra money and start saving. If you can find a job on campus, you can save money and find a job that will work with your class schedule. But, don’t be afraid to look for a job off-campus. Just be clear with any potential bosses about what your class schedule is and set realistic time expectations for yourself.

Develop a Strategy that Works for You

There are countless ways to responsibly save while you’re in college. All you need to do is develop a strategy that works for you, and stick to it. We hope these tips will give you a good starting point that can help you develop strong savings habits that will serve you well throughout your life. Place your new savings into an account with us – we’d be happy to help your money grow!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Best Retirement Strategies for Your 20s

If you’re in your twenties and thinking about retirement, you are light-years away from your peers who wait until it’s too late. You’ll be so glad you started to take serious steps towards your golden years with these straightforward strategies.

1. Negotiate More

Your first job isn’t typically known to be a real money maker. You’ve been told to “pay your dues” and take the work for little pay. However, it is especially important for college graduates to negotiate for a higher salary. Whatever number you are thinking, add $5,000 to that salary. This is important because whatever salary you start with will follow you and be the basis for much of your career. You will of course get raises, but often, each new position you take is related to the salary you had prior. Start off high so you can begin investing greater now.

2. Automate Savings

It’s never easy to save and can be incredibly challenging if it’s saving for something that’s thirty years away. One way to take the struggle out of this is to have your savings automated. You can set a specific percentage to come directly out of each paycheck and into your savings account. It’s a painless way to force yourself to make wise decisions with your money.

3. Establish an Emergency Fund

While you’re saving for the golden years ahead, your plans can be easily derailed with a major financial emergency like a flooded basement or an unexpected medical procedure. Having an emergency fund in place will help to provide some cushion so you aren’t going into debt to cover these losses.

4. Start a Retirement Fund

Having a straightforward savings account for retirement is not the best way to make the most out of your money. You are going to want to invest in a retirement fund that’s built for growing your wealth over time. Most employers offer a matching 401(k) compensation plan as a part of the benefits. However, if yours does not, you can and should invest in your own Roth IRA.

5. Pay Off Debt

Debt of all kinds is crippling to millions of Americans at all ages. Those in their twenties average $20,000-$35,000 in debt. Debt should be paid off as soon as possible so you can begin investing in the things that matter most to you. You shouldn’t have to be constantly playing catch up, but instead, planting financial seeds for your future.

Continue to build your retirement funds with a CD or IRA from Peoples Bank & Trust!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender