Monthly Archives: September 2019


How to Meet Your Retirement Saving Goals

No matter your age, everyday you work is a step closer to retirement. When you think of driving off into the golden years, where are you headed? You likely have a picture in mind whether it be having a house in your dream location or an RV to explore the National Parks. Whatever that goal is, the steps to get there are going to be similar. Here’s some great money moves you can make in order to reach your retirement savings goals.

Start Where You Are

Many are under the impression that they should wait to save for retirement until they make a significant salary. You may be surprised at how much can be saved with a quality savings account on a small income. Even if you are only able to put $25 away each month, it is a great start. Most importantly, it gets you into the habit of saving. Once this habit is established, it will be easier for you to continue this as your salary and contribution increases.

Make Use of Every Employee Plan

If your employer offers matching contributions to your 401(k), take advantage of this. With most employers, the process is automated to come out of each paycheck. It takes the decision making out of the equation and can add up over the course of your career. If your employer does not offer this, consider contributing to an IRA on your own. It can either be a traditional or Roth.

You Must Stash

No, we aren’t talking about your mustache. What we mean is that you must stash away any extra income that you have. If you get extra income from a bonus or selling a valuable personal item, put that money into a savings account. It may not seem as glamorous as buying a new car or getting a new wardrobe, but your future self will thank you.

Let Your Kids Hear “No”

Many people try to give their kids every opportunity available. While this is great, it should not come at the expense of your retirement savings. Extracurricular activities can get very costly, especially if your children are in elite clubs. One way to cut down on these expenses while keeping them active is to limit them to one activity per season. They will learn to take advantage of every opportunity given to them as well as learn how to get involved in free activities like volunteering or after school clubs.

Saving for retirement can be tricky, so allow us to help your money grow with a CD or IRA from Peoples Bank & Trust.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


8 Surprising Ways to Save on Baby Stuff

Oh baby! Although they are small, babies can take up a significant amount of your budget. Many first time parents experience sticker shock with the numbers they see as they walk through the baby section at their favorite stores. Thankfully, there are ways to make these expenses easier to manage so you can focus on the excitement of the little one without the pain associated with the rising costs.

1. Sell What You Don’t Need

Because babies cost so much, it goes without saying that they often require a lot of things. This translates to your home being turned into an obstacle course with baby things now dominating your space. Stay ahead of the chaos by selling items you don’t need. You can use this money to buy things you know you will. This will give you extra space and some purchasing power.

2. Snip or Save Those Coupons

You might be surprised to find out not only how much coupons can save you on necessary items like diapers, but the amount of them available for babies is never-ending. Before going to stock up on baby basics, take a look to see how much you can save! Some stores may even price match brick and mortar or online deals.

3. Don’t Overindulge in Clothes

It might be one of the most fun things to buy, but you do not need as many clothes as you think you do! Consider what you think you need now. Split that amount in half. The first few months of their lives, something as simple as white onesies will suffice. Have a few favorites for them to wear when you leave the house. Additionally, babies grow incredibly quick, so often it’s best to wait to see what you will need before buying too many things in advance.

4. Question the “Necessary”

We want to get our children everything they could possibly need. Thankfully, babies actually need very little. So what about that wipe or bottle warmer you just added to the registry? Take it off, as things like these are in reality rarely used and take up wasted space. The wipe warmer will dry out your expensive wipes and bottles can be warmed with running hot water!

5. Consider the Green

When considering your money, think about going green. It may be unconventional in some ways, but some of the biggest expenses you may have are diapers and wipes. There are some start up costs to cloth diapers, but once you have the basics you are all set! To put it in perspective, diapers can cost about 1k a year, as opposed to the average $150 for cloth diapers. While your pockets become filled with green, so has the environment.

6. The Nursery: Keep It Simple

Getting the nursery decorated and set up like the influencers on social media can be a lofty and tiresome goal for any parent. We are here to tell you that it does not need to be that extravagant! It’s often safest for the little one, too.

7. Phone Your Insurance Company

Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with what their policy will and will not cover. Don’t be afraid to give them a call to verify your coverage. Many companies offer additional services for first time parents such as weekly nurse check-ins, lactation consultants and free breast pumps.

8. Plan Ahead

The best thing you can do for your budget is to prepare for every expense this new baby will bring. For example, if you will be receiving maternity or paternity leave, you will want to calculate how much you need to save in order to be unpaid for that time (if your work does not offer paid leave). You’ll also want to factor in the additional health insurance costs that will be accrued. It is never too early to begin planning!

Save for your kiddo by using these nifty tips – then store the savings in an account with us!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


A Six Step Small Business Cybersecurity Plan

You have ventured out to achieve your dream of owning your own business. Unfortunately, there are criminals who aim to take what you have worked so hard for. These criminals aren’t what they used to be, they aren’t standing at your door, but likely anonymous and entering your business from a remote location. It can happen to anyone and this is why it’s important you have a cybersecurity plan for your business. If you are new to the cybersecurity realm, start with this simplified plan in order to protect your business.

1. Analyze Your Risks

It’s hard to know where you’re going if you don’t know where you are. You have a business to run and a hundred decisions that need to be made everyday. Either partner with a cybersecurity expert to analyze risks you currently have or educate yourself on the potential security pitfalls many business owners fall victim to.

2. Establish Security Protocols

Once you know where you are vulnerable, you have a better idea of what needs to change. Just as you have a list of protocols for the daily running of your business, so should you have a list of the best security practices your business will implement.

3. Limit Physical Access

The more hardware you have exposed, the more at risk you are for theft, employee misuse and hacking. This will help you to protect private business information and client data. Keep the hardware you have to the minimum and put physical locks on any vulnerable devices.

4. Train Employees

Your cybersecurity is only as strong as your employees. Unfortunately, they are often unintentionally the cause of security breaches. It could be from clicking on suspicious links or opening an email from an unknown source. It can happen quickly and to anyone, especially if they are not educated on cyber protection.

5. Backup Data

Some criminals may hold your data hostage unless you pay them. This is called ransomware and is one of the many reasons why it’s important to backup your data. The average cost of a cybersecurity breach for a small business is $34,000. Preemptively avoid this in order to avoid being included in this number.

6. Build a Wall of Protection

Cyber criminals will do anything they can to breach your business. Some options would be to invest in anti-virus, firewall, anti-malware and encryption software. Keeping these protection systems up to date will do wonders in keeping your business protected.

Utilize this cybersecurity plan to keep your small business safe. Did you know we offer tons of secure banking products for your business? Visit our site for more info!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Budgeting Checklist for Buying Your First Home

Buying your first home can be an exciting, but overwhelming experience. With the right bank and agent, most of the hassle should be taken off your shoulders. So now, it’s time to make sure you’re checking these items off your list to allow for a smooth house buying journey – without breaking the bank.

Check Your Credit Score

This is always one of the top points on anyone’s list. Making sure your credit score is high and on the rise will allow you the opportunity for better rates! Look for any issues with your report and contact the credit bureau to get them fixed.

Gather Your Documentation

You’ll need to get your documents in order when coming to the bank to discuss a pre-approval letter and loan. To help you get started, you should plan to have the following documents when applying – but contact us to find out if there’s anything else you’ll need in advance: 

  • Income verification/employment – Last two years’ tax returns, W-2s, 1099s and your last few pay stubs
  • Credit/ID – Drivers’ license, Social Security card or acceptable alternatives
  • Financial condition – Bank and brokerage account statements including retirement accounts, proof of funds to close or a gift letter (if your down payment is coming from a gift)

Secure Pre-approval

Having a pre-approval letter shows a buyer you are serious and have the funds to afford the home. This also lets you know how much home you can afford, so you don’t start hunting for houses that are out of your budget.

Decide On Your Max

Even if you can afford a certain amount, not spending it all may be wise. Scale back a little and decide on the price you’re willing to spend and hold yourself accountable to not pass that limit.

Think Of Additional Expenses

Repairs, maintenance, monthly bills, moving costs and closing costs will all factor into your budget. Know how much income you are making each month and subtract all of these costs, as well as other items like gas, groceries, loans and so forth. This will show you how much you’ll actually have left over to put towards your mortgage payments. Deciding on your max budget will only help you – instead of spending the full amount you may actually be able to afford.

We hope this checklist reminds you of the items you need to complete and think of to help you stay within your budget. If you’re looking for a great place to get your mortgage, we’re here for you! Contact us or stop on in to allow us to help you on the path to buying your dream home!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

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