Category: Personal Finances

Giving back in the New Year: Practicing Selflessness

Many individuals have goals and resolutions they are striving for this year. They are fostering hope for a better tomorrow and realize they need to add or dilute some of their habits in order to have the life they envision. Many, if not most, of these resolutions fail for lack of motivation. In fact, only about 8 percent of individuals end up sticking with their resolutions and that could be attributed to the type of goals made.

A majority of resolutions are self-focused. Very few of them strive for the betterment of others, which could be one of the underlying reasons for failure. While it may not be for lack of trying, goals crafted that solely benefit the self, have less success than those that are others oriented. Although, practicing selflessness can indeed improve your own happiness and household economy in other ways.

Tax Deduction

When you decide on a charity, you want to be sure they are reputable. Check out Charity Navigator to find out if you should be giving to a certain organization. Giving to these organizations may enable you to deduct from your income tax if you itemize deductions. Be sure to do your research before giving if you would like to take advantage of this benefit.

Better Money Management

Deciding on giving monetarily to a cause will encourage you to monitor your budget. Don’t have a budget? Now you have another reason to make one! Do you need to make cuts elsewhere to excessive spending? Having cause to review your monthly statements can only help your finances. Come see us at Peoples Bank & Trust to set up an automatic withdrawal to your savings account for your giving; we want to make it easy for you! When you are able to focus your attention to those in need, you are investing in yourself emotionally and financially.  Even if you are only able to give your time through volunteering, it may give rise to gratitude for what you have; decreasing your desire to purchase items you do not need with money you do not have.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Although your primary goal in helping others isn’t to help yourself, getting involved can create opportunities for you and even your children. People in need will remember those who helped them at their lowest. Maybe someday you will be in need of a favor and they will happily assist you. It enables you to make connections with others, which can help you to better establish yourself professionally.  Is your child socially anxious? Kindness has been shown to reduce social anxiety and can help set your children on a stable track for the future including scholarships and job prospects.


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


How Reading Can Improve Your Financial Well Being

Does being a reader make you more of a leader? Well that might be the case in life and the financial world.  When infamous Warren Buffett was asked about his success he pointed to a stack of books and said, “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.” Most likely if you’re reading this article, you already see some value in the declaration and are here for affirmation. However, for those of you who still aren’t convinced and maybe even guffawed at the notion of fitting in that much reading into an already hectic schedule, let Peoples Bank & Trust give you some insight to consider.

It’s a Low-Cost Investment

Instead of taking an expensive flight to a costly conference, you might consider swinging by your nearest bookstore. Because there is no limit to where knowledge can take you, investing in books is a low investment, with an infinite ROI. You can learn from the best in your business field, or pick up a novel.  The jury is still out on whether memory or comprehension is better with print vs. digital, so get what works best for your lifestyle. Owning the book is preferred if you want to become more engaged by writing in the margins, but stopping at your local library is another great option!

Makes You More Employable

You can make a great difference in your success by expanding your education. Generally, knowledge cannot be lost. What you learn from reading a few books will set you apart, in that you already know something that has taken others years to learn from experience. Unfortunately, only 42% of adults will read a book after they graduate from college-just think about how much of an advantage that can give you! You will be a great resource for your team and have greater ability to think on your feet because of the reading “vitamins” you consume. This makes you desirable to potential employers and encourages a higher salary because of the value you bring to the workplace.

Boosts Brain Power

You’ve heard it said, knowledge is power. Are you unhappy about your financial situation? Pick up the Wall Street Journal or the financial matters section in newspapers. You are sure to gain a wealth of information to help you out of your current situation. Some studies show reading will help strengthen your analytical skills, increase your vocabulary and help you to prioritize goals. Your knowledge of the world will be stronger, and you may just notice your financial skills sharpening as your mind is being refined. This is especially true when you read chapter books, as it encourages deep reading and assessment.

The majority of what you read will not only make you a more rounded individual, it will help you to make more sound, financial decisions. You will be a greater financial asset to your company, and yourself. So grab a book, a hot cup of coffee and settle into your next lesson!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Creative Money Making Ideas for Teens

If you’re a teen, you know that making adequate money for your college fund and paying for the rising cost of items is challenging. School has never been as time-consuming and with the economic pressure to go to college and the rising rate in unpaid internships, you may be at a loss as to whether flipping burgers will help you in the short and long term.

We have come up with a list of creative ways you can earn some extra cash – without having to sacrifice your studies. Studies show that working 10-15 hours a week during the school year will even help to improve your grades. These can even be jobs you proudly add to your resume.  With all of these ideas, be sure to check with your parents to be sure it is a safe situation!

Make Money Online

You know the older generation shreds you for it anyways – so you might as well make some money at it! There are so many legitimate ways to make money by simply being on your phone or computer. You can do this from home, so your parents don’t have to worry about where you are.

Try out Swagbucks, where you can earn free gift cards for answering surveys and watching entertaining videos. Another legitimate site is Inbox Dollars, where you take surveys and try new products. If you’re thrifty, try out Ebay or BookScouter to make a profit off used items!  Be very careful which sites you try to work with, and double check with your parents before starting as there are many scams out there.

Start a House Cleaning Business

There are many different types of people who need help cleaning their homes. They may not have the time or be physically incapable. With a little overhead of buying your own cleaning products, you could easily make $15 an hour if you are a great cleaner. Many of these people hire professional cleaning services which will charge double that, so you will be a competitive contender!

Turn Your Hobby into a Gig

Want to have your perfect employer? Go into business for yourself! This is not only a chance to earn some money loving what you do, but you will learn a lot about what it takes to be in business. You will be your own HR Department, Secretary, Marketing Department and Executive. There isn’t always a chance to do this as an adult, so go after your hobbies in full force now! You can refine your craft and find yourself accumulating many of the hard and soft skills it takes to be successful professionally.

Teach a Class

Do you have a skill that you would like to share with others? Maybe you are really good with computers. You could teach senior citizens the basics of the internet. Are you really good at math? Teach or tutor your peers. If you play an instrument, there will be hordes of parents ready to get a deal to have their children learn.

There are so many avenues of jobs you can do as a teen, although the options may seem scant at first glance. Build off of our ideas, or come up with your own. Having a worthwhile job will help to teach you independence and how to budget your money.

“Tell me and I forget

Teach me and I remember

Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Tips to Reduce Financial Stress – From Panic to Plan

If you are feeling overwhelmed and losing sleep at night because of your finances, you are not alone. There are many factors that can contribute to financial stress such as: kids, marriage, debt, pregnancy, job status and physical health.  According to the American Psychological Association’s 2015 survey, 64% of stress is attributed to money. If you are experiencing a creeping sense of panic over your finances, take a deep breath and exhale. We are going to walk you through a simple plan to get you back in control.

1).  Identify Stressors

Take time to write out a list of everything that is weighing on you. This can be financial burdens or anything that adds to your anxieties. Maybe you are struggling to meet your mortgage payments or taking care of an aging parent. Maybe it’s an addiction to spending with a mountain of debt surrounding you. Everyone has a story and struggle. Listing out and identifying these is not only therapeutic, but will be the start to knowing what you can and cannot change. What are the problems, and what are your realistic goals?

2). Create a Budget

This will be the map to the end of your tunnel. Doubtless, you have heard the importance of budgeting. Now it is time to heed those words into your plan. There are many financial gurus out there with their preferred budgeting outlines. We would recommend speaking to one of our helpful customer service representatives at Peoples Bank & Trust, or learning more about people like Dave Ramsey and his program. When you are crafting your budget, keep in mind the goals you have created and the daily habits you want to develop. This is how you learn to make the most of your income. By adding a goal of establishing an Emergency Fund, you will help to eliminate future stressors should and when misfortune occurs.

3). Stay Positive & Get Help

The key to staying on track, is staying positive. Once you have your budget set, you are able to track your spending. You may fall off the wagon a time or two, but don’t let shame keep you from starting over. Reach out to a trusted friend or join an accountability group like Shopaholics Anonymous. Be sure to let them know your goals and your struggles. Having someone to keep you accountable will help you to not only relieve current stress but prevent future panic.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Grocery Bootcamp – Shopping Healthy on a Budget for Two

Buying groceries, healthy eating and budgeting are three challenging tasks that many people struggle conquering altogether.  Whether you and your partner have been together many years or are just starting out, we have some great tips for you both to win the war on grocery shopping. Consider us your sergeant by following this simple training method ASAP.


If you aren’t both on the same page, you will have a hard time succeeding and inevitably fail. It is imperative that you sit together to discuss what you want to get out of this and that you are mentally prepared for the journey ahead. What type of diet are you seeking to maintain? Research what type of foods you will and won’t buy so you know exactly where the line is.


  • Your Budget: The first month of Bootcamp, we only want you to keep track of your expenses both grocery and dining out. From then on, your goal should be to spend no more than that amount. An average aim for many is to stick to $100 a month per individual. This may or may not work for you, but find out what does.
  • Meal Prep: This is crucial to your success. You know what kind of diet you would like to have, so search for recipes that will enable you to have healthy, planned meals. This will help to prevent you from swinging in for fast food or other impulse buys.  Once you have the groceries, prep the food right away to make the week of eating easy. Be sure you eat the fruits and veggies with the shortest shelf life first.


  • Find Deals: While you may not have the time to clip out a lot of coupons, make a point to check the weekly ads to see what the deals are. Apps like DealstoMeals will even help you to find discounts in your shopping area.  Every little bit helps and this is just more opportunity the two of you have to crawl through the trenches together.
  • Make a Price Book: This a great resource you can make for yourself to keep track of items that you habitually buy, so you know when and where to buy what.
  • Be Flexible: If a needed recipe item is twice the price you thought it would be, substitute for something else. If the produce is not in season, frozen is a great alternative.


You have the basics, so now it’s time for the follow through. Say no to temptation. Once you have spent your allotted budget, there is NO more going to the store. You will get better as you strengthen your skills, but until that time stay the course. Dismissed!

Love and Money: Five Common Mistakes

No couple likes to fight, especially when it comes to finances. Unfortunately, money is the leading cause of stress in relationships. And this isn’t only a problem for couples who are tight on money, as a survey has shown that the more your income increases, the more finances will put a strain on your relationships. What this shows is the importance of being on the same page as your partner when it comes to finances, no matter your incomes.

Peoples Bank & Trust has compiled a list of five common mistakes couples make with their money and how you can avoid them to lessen the stress on your relationship!

  1. Not Talking About Money Before Marriage

It’s important to have an idea of your future partner’s spending style. Is your partner tight with money because they grew up not having a lot? How does this impact how they envision your lifestyle once you are married? What’s their credit score?  It is important to have this conversation, in order to refrain from becoming upset or surprised when one of you splurges/invests. This keeps a nice checks and balances. Take this fantastic quiz to figure out your money type!

  1. Not Having a Budget

If you are too late to avoid mistake #1, this is the perfect time to have that conversation with your spouse. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Take stock of what you have coming in, what you owe and what you have for “extras.” This will help to prevent keeping secrets from each other about your spending, because everything is on the table.  Be sure the budget works for BOTH of you, long term.  You can even get your kids involved in order to teach them about money and why having a plan to stick to is important.

  1. Not Having Separate AND Joint Accounts

Are you a couple who only has a joint or separate account? We recommend both! Joint accounts make it easier to share in bills and debt together. However, it is still important to have your own account, so you can still feel autonomous in your decisions to splurge (within range of your budget).

  1. Waiting 30 Years to Pay off Your Mortgage

Just because it is an option, doesn’t mean you really need to take 30 years to pay off your debt! If you do take the full term to repay the debt, you will pay significantly more in interest. Every extra payment that you make towards your home will be applied to the principal balance. This will enable you to sign that last mortgage check much sooner, permitting you to put money toward retirement, or other goals you have together.

  1. Letting One Person Make Decisions

Even if only one of you is bringing in a salary, it is imperative that you are both involved in the financial decisions. If you have one person who is physically making the payments, you should both be reviewing your finances monthly, and making adjustments as needed. Friction can happen when one spouse makes the financial decisions causing the other to feel like a child with a set amount given to them each month. Even if one of you is more financially smart, both should be included in the decisions. There is less of a need to keep secrets from one another when you both have purchase power and communication about your short and long-term goals.

Making a plan and sticking to it together can help lessen financial stress in your relationship. If you feel stuck on where to begin, set up an appointment to speak with one of our specialists at Peoples Bank to help get you both on track to being in charge of your finances.


How to Tackle Student Loan Repayments

What they didn’t teach you in school, was how to pay for school. Many know what it’s like to look excitably into your direct deposit account or open that envelope on payday, to only be dissatisfied by the large withdrawal that was taken towards your student loan debt.

Confronting what seems like the impregnable wall of debt can be overwhelming. And many can feel unprepared-even duped at the debt to income ratio their college degree has given them. However, it doesn’t have to be this way forever. By changing your strategy and perspective on your educational investment, you can eliminate your monthly payments at an accelerated rate. Learning to tackle this debt in the right way, will become muscle memory for future financial discipline.

Choose the Right Repayment Plan

Americans owe $1.45 Trillion in student loan debt, spread out among 44 million people. While this may seem counter intuitive, choosing the right plan for your income can make a large difference in how much you pay over time. Eighty-five percent of student loans are either Stafford, Perkins, PLUS,or Direct Consolidated. They have 5 repayment options, with the lowest minimum payment starting at $50 for ten years, to the income based plan that takes a “fair” percentage of your salary (decided by the Federal Government) and forgives any debt left after 25 years.

Although it may be tempting to pick whatever has the lowest monthly payment right now, it isn’t the wisest. How much you pay, and on what terms can seriously impact future investments like a home or even being able to put enough away for retirement. Try to pay 10% of your gross (pre-tax) income towards your debt. By biting the bullet now, you will give yourself freedom in the future.

Scrap for Savings

There are some basic practices you can implement to prevent being delinquent on payments. One of those is consolidating your Federal loans. This won’t initially save you on interest, but it will help to relieve you from the headache of keeping track of many different loans. Having them all in one place with one simple payment will enable you to stay on track. Second, sign up for automatic withdrawals from your checking account. Doing so will cut your interest rate by .25 percent.

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

The average student loan monthly payment is $351 a month-and we recommend you paying even more than that if you can fit it into your budget. So, the most important thing you can do is to not fall off the wagon when it comes to tackling your debt. Stay focused on the goal set before you. The impulse purchases and comforts of the present are alluring, but ridding yourself of a financial burden is more rewarding. The more you take hold of your debt, the sooner you will win.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

First Steps to Financial Fitness

Starting a Financial Fitness routine may be one of the best things you can do for your health. You may not realize it, but financial stress can take a toll on your physical and emotional well-being. If you are one of those who have or are experiencing financial stress, you are not alone. In fact, the leading stressor of Americans is related to finances. Stress if left unchecked, can lead to changes in your body and mood such as:  heart disease, obesity, headaches and depression. Whether you are unemployed, have a growing stack of debt are simply bad at money management, you can start working your way to a healthy lifestyle starting with these five steps!

“You can always improve your fitness if you keep training.” -Pastor Maldonado

  1. Assess Your Fitness Level

In order to know where you’re headed, you need to have a full understanding of where you are starting. Know what you spend, what you have, and what you owe. The first month, simply track what you spend. You may be surprised at how many unnecessary purchase habits you make daily. Take note of what you are taking in post-taxes, so you have a baseline of what you have to work with every month. Of special importance is investigating all of your debt. Find out your credit score, and all debts that may have even gone to collections. This is the most overwhelming step, but don’t fret-you are on the right path. If you would like assistance with this, feel free to reach out to Peoples Bank & Trust to help you along in the process.

  1. Decide Your Fitness Program

What are you training for? This is where you map out where you would like to go. Create short and long term goals and what time frame you would like to achieve them. We suggest starting out with eliminating your debt, by paying off the lowest one first. What habits and routines do you want to establish? What do you want your budget to look like? You can build activity and goals into your daily routine. One aspect to understand is that this is not a quick-fix process. It will take time, so keep your activities simple and progress slowly into building habits. Building financial strength takes time.

  1. Assemble Equipment

Now that you have an understanding of where you are and where you want to be, you can put it to paper! Investing in a journal or a simple pad of paper is a great way to organize your daily routines and financial flexors. Additionally, there are many free apps! However you prefer to track it, make it practical and enjoyable!

  1. Get Started

Now that you have completed the first few steps, you are ready to begin! You have your well thought out plan, so now it is time to execute. You can be creative with your routine, if you want to find savvy ways to save on basic needed items-do it. Whether that be cooking a meal at home, or learning how to change the oil in the car.  It is your plan to tailor.

  1. Monitor Progress

Lastly, we recommend that you monitor your progress every month, as needs can change frequently. It will also help keep you in check and encourage you from straying far from your goals. You will know them by heart. If you need a Financial Coach to hold you accountable, reach out to a friend or trusted advisor. As your fitness level increases, you may find yourself able to be flexible and switch up your goals, or create new ones.  Training takes time, energy and self-control, but by following these steps you are well on your way to being fit!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


It’s the Season to Save Money: Tax Deductions

While it might not be on your radar, now is the perfect time to starting thinking about taxes. You may be thinking you just wrapped up tax season but April 15 will be here before you know it. The end of the year is the perfect time to make a few financially savvy moves to help trim down your tax bill.

While not all of the ideas below apply to everyone, they can help you fund your retirement account or even put you in a charitable mood.

Contribute the maximum to your retirement account(s) – If you have a tax-advantaged retirement account (meaning your contributions aren’t taxed), contributing the maximum lowers your taxable income, meaning you pay less on your tax bill. Even better? You’re helping contribute to your retirement savings fund!

Give to charity – As long as you have over $250 in costs directly related to helping a charity plus their acknowledgement (a receipt, statement, etc), you’re in good shape. Just be sure you also have the receipts from making all those meals or purchasing supplies. Remember, donations to individuals doesn’t count when claiming a charity deduction.

Job-hunting costs – If you were job hunting at all this last year (and have the receipts on hand), these costs can be deductible. Eligible expenses include transportation costs, food, lodging, cab fare, employment agency fees, costs of printing resumes, business cards, etc.

Give to family or friends – This category is a two-for-one! Not only do you give the gift of money but you reduce your tax burden. You can give up to $14,000 without having to file a gift-tax return, which lowers your taxable income, thereby reducing your tax bill.

Energy-saving home improvements – Made some energy-saving modifications to your home this year and have the documentation and receipts to prove it? You can claim a credit up to $500. While this isn’t a tax deduction, you can use the credit to help pay your tax bill if need be.

This list is just a start of tax deductions you can start planning for. For more information or questions, you’ll want to talk to your tax professional or Peoples Bank & Trust to help guide you. We hope this list provides you with a little inspiration to find some deductions this tax season!


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

6 Ways to Maximize Online Holiday Shopping

Let’s face it, Black Friday—and Cyber Monday—aren’t for everyone. You rise at the crack of dawn and either have to fight the crowds or hope you have faster WiFi than other shoppers.

Luckily, these aren’t your only options when it comes to getting deals around the holidays. Peoples Bank & Trust has compiled this list of online resources to help you stretch your gift-buying dollar:

1)            Use Coupon sites.

The most popular site is Groupon, but there are other online coupon sites that can save you money as well! Sites such as, and all have thousands of deals and coupons for online retailers.

2)            Buy discounted gift cards.

Places such as Sam’s Club have gift cards for restaurants that are up to 20% off, and can make great stocking stuffers. If you don’t have a membership, there are other places where you can buy retailers’ gift cards at a discount, such as Gift Card Granny and Card Cash.

3)            Free shipping offers.

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you’ll already be able to take advantage of this. But if you’re not a Prime member or are shopping elsewhere online, has coupon codes for free shipping on some 4,000 stores.

4)            Cash back.

If your credit card offers cash back, the holidays are a great time to rack up points. We would caution that you have enough cash on-hand to pay off everything you charge to the card, as you don’t want to start the New Year with debt.

Credit cards aren’t the only way to earn cash back. Sites like and offer cash-back for online purchases at certain stores.

5)            Buy used.

Sometimes, a new iPad isn’t in the budget. If that’s the case, you can buy gently-used electronic equipment at You can even set up price alerts for certain items. Another gently-used online retailer is Items such as toys, games and DVDs still in the original box can be purchased for a fraction of the original cost.

6)            Deals on electronics.

Online retailers such as and Fry’s Electronic are well-known among IT and tech professionals for their steeply discounted prices on everything from laptops to component computer parts. If you’re looking for a reputable place to buy inexpensive electronics, these websites are worth checking out.

Remember, the holiday season doesn’t have to break the bank! Next year, you can start planning ahead by starting a Christmas club account. This special savings account makes it easy for you to put aside the money you need to check off everyone on your list!


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender