Category: Savings

The Argument for a Monthly Money Meeting

Personal Finance

Whether you’re recently married, or you’re approaching your 30th anniversary, you know that money can be a topic of controversy among couples and families. Even in the most perfect relationships hardships happen, and decisions have to be made. At Peoples Bank & Trust, we think there is a helpful and long-term tool that can help you have less conflict and more compromises while contemplating both goals and solutions. The answer is relatively simple, talk it out, however, the complicated part is how.

The first thing you need for a successful money discussion is an agreement between all persons to refrain from defensiveness and accusation. With this mindset, you can openly consider both positives and negatives of past and future financial decisions. Each month set a time where you and your spouse or family can get together and determine your current financial landscape. Discuss the highs as well as the lows, and gain perspective from each individual on where they feel the money is best spent or saved. Once the past month is discussed, start making a list of any suggested changes for the upcoming month.

The list should detail any adjustments that are going to be made, and the desired outcome they hope to generate. The meeting participants can then choose which, if any, changes are warranted and should be enacted.

This meeting not only keeps a continuous dialogue with you and your spouse or family but also allows you to have a fresh look at your finances every month, ensuring all bills and saving initiatives have been completed before the meeting takes place.

Other great tips we suggest to continue improving your money management:

  • Calculate your net worth every six months. This will help you with the large scale view of your family’s financial well-being and see where you can find additional ways to continue to grow.
  • Set new goals when you surpass the old ones. The worst thing you can do for your finances is to do nothing. If you knock your latest goal out of the park, Peoples Bank & Trust challenges you to make an even more challenging goal and find a way to make it happen.
  • For spouses, have joint and individual accounts. By structuring your finances together and apart you can ensure your joint account holds all the necessary funds for any household expenses, while each person’s private account can be used at their own discretion.
  • Designate a bill payer. Determine who in your house will be in charge of paying the monthly invoices and balancing the checking account throughout. By allowing one person to be responsible for this task you can ensure bill are not able to be missed due to misinterpreted communication.

Water Your Lawn & Your Wallet Too


If you’d like to grow your landscape and your finances this season, Peoples Bank & Trust has the perfect tips for you! To jumpstart this warmer weather, we’re excited to share our top tips and tricks to maintaining a healthy lawn and garden without digging too deep into your budget:

Seed your lawn early on. Get the growing season started right, and give your landscape some food to help it grow. By not only seeding your grass, but adding fertilizer as well, you can help ensure that your roots grow strong and healthy to fight off intermittent weather changes and pesky pets.

Automate your watering routine.  Keep your landscape looking green by maintaining a daily watering routine without all the fuss of hoses and watering cans. By setting up an automated system, you can make certain you’re not wasting water, while also saving additional funds from no longer needing to replace malnourished plants.

Utilize alternative landscaping options. Reduce your overall recurring costs by taking advantage of helpful products such as landscape fabric, river rock, and various xeriscaping plants. By using these tools to grow foliage other than grass you can cut down on your time and expenses associated with mowing and upkeep.

Other Outdoor Savings Tips: While the above tips can aid you in keeping a green and healthy landscape, saving money isn’t  about maintenance only. To help continue your savings in other areas of lawn care, we wanted to share some further tricks in how to reduce other outdoor expenditures associated with your growing landscape.

  • Choose colorful perennials over less-timely annuals when planting flowers. While annuals can have prominent blooms that catch your eye, these flora varieties will need to be re-planted every year. Avoid paying for new seedlings each spring by utilizing returning perennials plants instead. These recurring blooms will hibernate underground each winter, and emerge where they were originally planted year after year.
  • Plant prosperous fruit trees for added shade and earning through plant production. By providing an escape from heated sunlight, shade producing trees can help decrease the cost of your home’s monthly cooling bill. If you choose a tree that also produces fruit you can typically accumulate $200 or more worth of produce that you have the potential to sell as well.

Make the most of this planting season, and create a garden that will give you both joy and savings. We can’t wait to see what you and your family create, be sure to post photos of your outdoor creations on our Facebook page. We’d love to see what ideas and hacks you use!

Who Says You Can’t Make a Snowball in the Spring

Debt Elimination

While the weather can be as predictable as the Powerball, one thing that you can always count on through the seasons is your ability to snowball anytime you want. However, before you start creating snowmen out of ice shavings, let’s first cover what a snowball is. Typically in financial terms, snowballing is an action in which you structure your debt payment to decrease the overall time and cost associated with any accounts payable you have.

Here’s how it works: To begin a snowball, you first need to know what debt(s) you have on the table. By creating a list of your known debts, and also checking your credit report for any unknown ones as well, you can ensure you have all your bases covered. Then, using that information, prioritize your debts by amount from smallest to largest. Once you have them organized you can begin to set-up or continue minimum payments across all installments.

For the next step, you’ll want to look through your current spending and earning to see if there are ways you can allocate additional funds each month to pay off your debt. Whether it’s an extra $50 or an extra $500, every penny matters!

These additional funds can then be assigned to the debt you indicated at the lowest amount. Each month you’ll have a little extra money to help pay off that expense even sooner. Once the balance reaches zero, the snowball officially begins! Now that you have eliminated one payment, you can utilize all the funds that were going towards that expenditure and push them towards the debt with the next lowest amount.

Continue to do this process until each unwanted debt is paid off. Debts such as your mortgage are a great thing to pay off early, but may not be necessary to include in your debt snowball. Our helpful mortgage lenders can always assist in restructuring your payments if you are truly passionate about eliminating all debt.

If you’re ready to get started, we have some great money savings tips to help you find those extra dollars!

  • Switch to a Discount Grocer: You could reduce your monthly grocery bill by up to half when you shop at a bulk or discount grocer instead of a brand-oriented chain.
  • Bring Your Coffee and Lunch: Both of these items could be costing you more than you think! The typical American lunch runs approximately $12.00 and an average latte could cost you $3.50 a day. By bringing both food and beverages from home you can drastically decrease your monthly expenditure for dining.
  • Take Advantage of Apps: New technology based tools like Mint, Honey, and RetailMeNot, offer continuous and unique ways to save and manage your personal finances. By taking advantage you can not only save on unexpected items but better visualize your budget through tracked spending categories.

At Peoples Bank & Trust we are excited to help you succeed on your journey toward financial success. If you’d like to set-up automatic payments, or monthly transfers, our Online Banking can help! Visit our website to get started today.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

The Latte Factor 101

Money Management

Making your way through the drive thru every morning before 7:30 may give you a refreshing start to your day, but at what cost? The ideology that coffee shops and other retailers capitalize on is the notion that these small expenditures add a little excitement to your day without a hefty bill. However, when you enjoy perks like these on a daily basis, they add up, and quick!

Financial author, David Bach, is the mastermind behind the Latte Factor. This helpful calculator enables shoppers to see not only the cost of an individual purchase but the lost value it could cause for further investment as well.

For example:

If you purchase a $4.45 grande latte from Starbucks every weekday for the next thirty years, the total cost of your daily coffee is $34,786.29. However, if you had put that weekly $22.25 expenditure into an investment with an average earnings rate of eight percent or more, you could have made $109,225.02 in earned interest during that time. This showcases the true cost of a daily latte as the overall product expense ($34,786.29) + the lost interest ($109,225.02) = ($144,011.30)

While less than $5.00 a day may seem like chump change, compounding these expenses on a long-term level can showcase helpful savings opportunities to maximize your retirement savings efforts and limit unnecessary spending.

This equation doesn’t work just for coffee either! If you find yourself splurging for a fast-food lunch break, buying extra sodas at work, or even paying for a magazine you hardly read, you’ll soon find that all of those little expenses can make a big impact.

To help break some common splurging habits Peoples Bank & Trust recommends the following:

  • Before making a purchase, ask yourself, “Should I spend these funds or should I invest them?”
  • Use free services like our Online Banking to visualize your spending and see areas where you can cut excess.
  • Remember the rule of 7. On average, invested funds will double every seven years, without any added contributions.
  • Utilize accounts like IRA, HSA, and 401(k) to maximize the dollars you invest and save.

If you have any questions on how to get started, or want to learn more about how to make your money work for you, we’re are here to help. Just stop by or drop us a line.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Where Will You Be in 5 Years?

Financial Goals

Establishing your personal finances isn’t an overnight process, but deciding to start can be! Whether you want to save $1,000,000 for retirement, pay your child’s education, or become debt-free, choosing your next fiscal goal is the first step. At Peoples Bank & Trust we want to help you not only achieve your next financial aspiration but each and every one that follows! To help you start planning for the future we’ve compiled this strategic list to ensure you start your journey on the right foot. Here’s where to begin:

The first 2 Years:

  • Establish Financial Goals
  • Pay Yourself First
  • Create an Emergency Fund

During these years your primary priority is creating a solid foundation for your personal finances.  By deciding which goals mean the most to you, establishing monthly savings, and working those initiatives into a well-rounded emergency fund, you can be certain that whatever life throws at you, you and your finances will find a way to get through it.

Years 3 and 4:

  • Begin Your Debt Snowball
  • Build Your Credit History
  • Start Your Retirement Savings

The following two years will be creating the framework of your ongoing financial aspirations. These components will help ensure that your continued savings efforts are brought to fruition through retirement planning and debt elimination. Once you become debt free, the world is your oyster! Your final step to financial freedom is choosing where you want your journey to take you next.

The 5th Year:

  • Choose a Giving Strategy
  • Begin Investing
  • Determine Your Next Goal

Throughout the final year of this financial compilation, you should become focused on the future. Now that your debts are erased, your savings have been started, and you have put your money to work, it’s time to decide what you want to do with those funds. This is an extremely personal choice and should be made with the best intentions and available information. However, should you need assistance or further insight into possibilities, our dedicated team is here to help.

Over the next five years, we believe you can accomplish all of these endeavors and more. If you’re ready to begin your financial journey, stop by your nearest Peoples Bank & Trust branch today and speak with one of our personal bankers to get started. We’d love to help you achieve your personal and financial goals, one year at a time!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

How to Tuck Your Coins Away by St. Paddy’s Day


St. Patrick’s Day is always reminiscent of older times, filled with meaningful songs and dances, delightfully filling food, and timeless jokes or antics. Each year we celebrate the livelihood of the Emerald Isle, and the heritage of the Irish culture, through a wide variety of events and gatherings. To help your bank account prepare for the festivities, Peoples Bank & Trust offers these tips and tricks to help you save without missing out on the fun!


  • Avoid Dining Out ($150/month): The key aspect to achieving this savings is patience! If you can take the time to plan meals ahead of time, and shop only for what you need to make them, you can not only reduce your restaurant spending but your grocery spending as well!
  • Cut Cable ($75/month): With technology like smart TV’s, Fire Sticks, Apple TV, Sling and more, there are now endless options to view and stream your favorite shows without the high cost of cable. By bundling some of these internet based services you can reduce your expenses without limiting your entertainment options.
  • Pack Your Lunch ($100/month): Instead of eating out for ten meals throughout the month, designate two days you’ll bring your lunch from home and save the extra $10 day. You can increase your savings even more by utilizing leftovers from your home-cooked dinner the night before.
  • Carpool ($50/month): While commuting to work may allow you to live in a certain area, it does come at a cost. See if you can reduce that amount by finding fellow co-workers to share the ride in with. While $50 may seem small for a month, over the course of the year that easily becomes $600 or more that you can put toward other saving ventures.
  • Automate Your Savings ($100/month): The phrase, “Pay yourself first,” comes to mind every time we share this tip. Did you know that you can invest in your personal development by contributing your savings goals? Once all the immediate bills such as housing and utilities are paid, we recommend contributing to your savings before budgeting how much to spend in other areas for the month. This way you can make your ongoing financial wellness a priority before deciding on spending habits for the month-to-month purchases.


Before the festivities begin, Peoples Bank & Trust challenges you to put these strategic saving tactics into place. If you’re curious how to get started, or want to set up a designated savings account for your extra earnings, our dedicated team is here to help!


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

21 Thoughts You Have Before Retirement

Thoughts Before You Retire

The journey to retirement is an ongoing process, filled with a marathon of decisions. We at Peoples Bank and Trust Co. understand that each phase of your life holds different questions and concerns along with new and exciting adventures. If you’re curious what your path to retirement may look like, take a glance at these common retirement thoughts throughout each decade of savings:

Age 20-30

  1. Should I pay off student loans or save for retirement?
  2. My 401(k) should be plenty for now.
  3. How much money do I really need to retire?
  4. If I can save something toward retirement, I feel like I’m doing good.
  5. What are the differences between a Roth 401(k) and a Traditional 401(k)?

During this time the most important part of your retirement savings is getting started. Whether this is through your company’s 401(k) or an independent IRA, the sooner you save, the more funds you can accumulate through interest. While paying down your student loans are equally important, the one commodity they could limit for your retirement is time. Even by saving a small amount early, you can have the potential to save more in the long run.

Age 30-40

  1. Kids, cars, and a home – where do I find extra income to save for retirement?
  2. I got a bonus! Should I save it or spend it?
  3. Save it! My future self will thank me.
  4. When do I really want to retire?
  5. I can’t wait until I don’t have to work for a living anymore.

Throughout this decade you may see a lot of exciting milestones. Whether these come in the form of promotions, expanding families, or other new personal opportunities, they each will add to the tasks you’re currently juggling while saving for retirement. To help manage your life and your money, we recommend automating your savings to ensure that no matter what life has in store, your retirement savings remains consistent.

Age 40-50

  1. I’d love to still have money to spoil any future grandkids!
  2. I’ll open an IRA to supplement my 401(k).
  3. I’m going to see what I need to save to still reach my savings goal.
  4. My savings should have a great future if I stay on track!
  5. I don’t want to have to work unless I want to.

Now is when you want to begin fine-tuning your retirement to the specific details. If you would like to retire in a certain location, you’ll need to budget the anticipated cost of living in addition to any other annual spending. This is also the perfect time to determine the age you would like to retire. The average age for Americans to retire is 67, however, this can be lower than 50, or higher than 75, it all depends on your preferences and planning.

Age 50-60

  1. I can’t retire yet, I’d just be bored!
  2. I’ll retire after 60; I can still work part-time if I want to.
  3. Thanks younger me!
  4. I can do all the things I love during retirement! Gotta love that compound interest.
  5. I’m so glad I started saving when I did.

After you decide when and where you want to retire, the final specifications begin to unroll. When you start taking distributions, and how much you take, is completely up to your discretion, depending on the retirement account. Many Americans continue working part-time, in order to bring in additional income and give their savings several more years of compounding interest. This can be a valuable option, but it’s not for everyone.

6 Ways to Win with Your Budget

Savings Tips

Do your savings goals make you feel frozen? Get back on the ice this season, and let Peoples Bank & Trust help you win your personal financial game. We’ll show you how to keep pushing forward with these strategic hockey tactics:

Find the 5-hole.

One of the first and most important ways to save is to keep your eyes open! Whether it’s taking advantage of grocery store specials, buying household items in bulk, or cutting spending from your monthly budget, the biggest opportunity you have while saving money is continually searching for new ways to save.

Complete the hat-trick.

Before you start saving for the short-term items, be sure you have the long-term set in place. Just as in hockey, there are three things you need, to make the best play of the game. Start by setting up an emergency savings account, to help guard your savings. Follow up by opening a personal retirement account such as IRA, to continually grow your savings. For the last trick of the play, we suggest creating a 529 or Coverdell account to help save for your child’s future education. These three accounts will help not only you score your savings goals but will assist you in winning your entire financial game as well.

Put your debt against the boards.

Show your debt whose boss, and push them against the glass. By aggressively paying off your outstanding debt, you make additional funds available to further your monthly savings. We recommend paying the minimum payment on each debt, and then using any surplus funds to add extra payments to help pay it off sooner. Once you have paid off a debt, use the funds from that allocation to help erase the next obstacle, one payment at a time.

Place your spending in the penalty box.

While working on your savings goals, look into your monthly spending to see where you can cut costs. Consider reducing your funds for eating out and entertainment. The extra money can go towards your debt, or once paid off, can help you achieve your savings goal sooner!

To help, there are some innovative apps available that can you visualize your various expenses.

Beat the buzzer.

Saving for retirement is a marathon, not a sprint. Like hockey, if you don’t play until the end, you may lose the game in the last five minutes. To help prevent this, we recommend working with a personal financial adviser, ensuring your funds are in the right place at the right time. If you make a pass and transfer them to stocks too late, you could lose money and valuable time. We suggest creating a strategic and well-coordinated retirement plan to make certain all your savings get time on the ice, and your key players continue to stay in the game.

Drop your gloves for additional fees.

Whether it’s big banks searching for unnecessary add-ons, or potential financial advisers looking for a percentage of earnings, don’t be afraid to negotiate fees you deem excessive. The business is certain to have referees to let you know if you’re asking too much. However, it never hurts to ask!

With our affordable deposit accounts and expert financial coaching, we look forward to helping you sink your upcoming goal in the back of the net! Stop by and meet our dedicated team today!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

How to Save for Retirement at Every Age

Retirement Savings

How much do you need to retire? Will you continue working after age 65? Do you want to travel during your retirement? These are just a handful of questions that are important for retirement preparation. Unlike saving for a home or new vehicle, saving for retirement requires long-term commitment and goal oriented benchmarks. At Peoples Bank & Trust we want to help you succeed as you save, and offer these milestone marks:

Age 18-25: During this point in your life, you are discovering what you want to do, and how to get there. Focus on creating a solid foundation through a monthly budget, and designated emergency fund. If your employer offers a 401(k) option we highly recommend utilizing its potential by contributing the maximum amount your budget will allow. Always be sure to take advantage of a company matching policy if available.

Age 25-35: In addition to your 401(k), we also suggest opening an IRA. This enables you to continue to save without having your funds tied to an employer. Now is a great time to take advantage of other tax beneficial accounts, such as an H.S.A., 529, or Coverdell account. Both the 529 and Coverdell accounts aide you in saving for your child’s education without the burden taxes.

Age 35-45: One of the key aspects of retirement is making sure your money is where you need it when you need it. An experienced financial adviser can help you invest in appropriate stocks, bonds, and other financial strategies. Together you can construct a plan to ensure your risk decreases as you age, and be certain the funds you need are available upon retirement.

Age 45-55: Now is the time to examine your current career path, and determine the year at which you would like to retire. Although the average age of retirement is 66, this may not hold true for you. Whether you decide to retire later at 72, or earlier at 57, you’ll need to have this number available to help continue the development of your savings. To easily calculate your current savings projection, this tool can provide the most accurate information to help you make the most informed decision for your specific goal.

Age 55-66: During this time you may begin to qualify for distributions from your 401(k) and IRA. By postponing these distributions, you can continue to save, and work to build your retirement nest egg before you need it. Additionally, look into various employment options upon retirement. If you decide to work part-time for enjoyment, it could mean added savings to help you afford extra splurges in the future.

Age 66 and up: Once you have officially retired, you will begin to take distributions from your 401(k) and IRA. While both a 401(k) and Traditional IRA require you to accept funds after age 70 ½, a Roth IRA can remain untouched until you decide to use the money. For this reason, we recommend using a Roth IRA when your income levels allow.

We look forward to joining you on your journey to retirement. Whether it’s in 10 years or 50, it’s never too early to start saving!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

6 Steps to Scoring Your Savings Goal

Savings Tips

Do your savings goals make you feel frozen? Get back on the ice this season, and let Peoples Bank & Trust help you win your personal financial game. We’ll show you how to keep pushing forward with these strategic hockey tactics:

Find the 5-hole.

One of the first and most important ways to save is to keep your eyes open! Whether it’s taking advantage of grocery store specials, buying household items in bulk, or cutting spending from your monthly budget, the biggest opportunity you have while saving money is continually searching for new ways to save.

Complete the hat-trick.

Before you start saving for the short-term items, be sure you have the long-term set in place. Just as in hockey, there are three things you need to make the best play of the game. Start by setting up an emergency savings account to help guard your savings. Follow up by opening a personal retirement account such as IRA to continually grow your savings. For the last trick of the play, we suggest creating a 529 or Coverdell account to help save for your child’s future education. These three accounts will help not only you score your savings goals but will assist you in winning your entire financial game as well.

Put your debt against the boards.

Show your debt whose boss, and push them against the glass. By aggressively paying off your outstanding debt, you make additional funds available to further your monthly savings. We recommend paying the minimum payment on each debt, and then using any surplus funds to add extra payments to help pay it off sooner. Once you have paid off a debt, use the funds from that allocation to help erase the next obstacle, one payment at a time.

Place your spending in the penalty box.

While working on your savings goals, look into your monthly spending to see where you can cut costs. Consider reducing your funds for eating out and entertainment. The extra money can go towards your debt, or once paid off, can help you achieve your savings goal sooner!

To help, there are some innovative apps available that can you visualize your various expenses.

Beat the buzzer.

Saving for retirement is a marathon, not a sprint. Like hockey, if you don’t play until the end, you may lose the game in the last five minutes. To help prevent this, we recommend working with a personal financial advisor, ensuring your funds are in the right place at the right time. If you make a pass and transfer them to stocks too late, you could lose money and valuable time. We suggest creating a strategic and well-coordinated retirement plan to make certain all your savings get time on the ice, and your key players continue to stay in the game.

Drop your gloves for additional fees.

Whether it’s big banks searching for unnecessary add-ons, or potential financial advisers looking for a percentage of earnings, don’t be afraid to negotiate fees you deem excessive. The business is certain to have referees to let you know if you’re asking too much. However, it never hurts to ask!

With our affordable deposit accounts and expert financial coaching, we look forward to helping you sink your upcoming goal in the back of the net! Stop by and meet our dedicated team today!


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender