Category: Uncategorized

Cybersecurity: Q&A


We all know this one – use different passwords and switch them up periodically. While this is a helpful tip to avoid being hacked, there are some questions you may still have on cybersecurity. Luckily, Peoples Bank & Trust offers a few answers to your existing questions.

Question: How can I protect my personal information from an attack?

Answer: Be sure that your antivirus program is up-to-date. When it is time to renew that software, do it. Don’t wait around thinking it will be okay for a few weeks. Hackers have more freedom to get your information when anti-virus programs are down. Another tip is to update your WIFI password regularly along with creating a unique network name.

Question: How risky is using public WIFI?

Answer: Even though free WIFI sounds like a great deal, don’t be tempted. Hackers sit waiting for potential targets connecting to public WIFI zones. They have the perfect opportunity to go undetected and gain access to your personal information.

Question: What kind of passwords should I be creating and using?

Answer: Utilize a password that contains letters, numbers and special characters such as @, #, ^, etc. Be sure that everyone in your family uses different passwords with separate logins. This ensures that if one person gets hacked, that other family members’ information can still be protected. Be sure to turn on 2-step authentication wherever it’s available and keep your browser and software updated.

Question: Can a hacker access my webcam?

Answer: Although the short answer is yes, don’t begin to worry too much. As long as you continue to make updates to your software, you should be okay. Cyber criminals focus on drawing you to untrusted sites, having you click on links or download certain items. Once this happens, hackers are able to begin stealing your information or encrypt your data. Some even make you pay a “ransom” to get control of your computer and access to your information.

Question: Is paper the safe option to do business?

Answer: Doing business electronically is perfectly safe if you use the right tools. Paper information can be stolen, lost in the mail or misplaced into the wrong hands. Properly securing your business passwords and information along with keeping it separate from your personal information will help protect your data. Shred any hard copy information you no longer need if you decide to go that route and lock up the important files that shouldn’t be left in the open.

We hope these answers help you understand cybersecurity a little better! Don’t be afraid to surf the web – just stay aware and continue updating your software. Don’t get caught up on the technical terms, just read information from trustworthy sources to better protect yourself!


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Cyber Security for College Students


So you think you’re all set for your first day of classes. Backpack, books, IPad and smartphone in hand – you think you have everything you need for success this semester. However, learning proper cybersecurity habits are just as important to your college success as the friends you make or the assignments you accomplish.

You’re well acquainted with technology and internet scams, and think you are far off from being duped or scammed online. However, technology is ever changing which means the tactics hackers use to access your personal information can be even sneakier. In 2014, there were 13,500 burglaries reported in on campus crimes across the US. Here are some basic tips to keep in mind while on campus or use as a refresher.

Keep Your Friends Close and Your Devices Closer

You’re constantly sharing a workspace with your peers. From the dorm room to the library, your devices are always accessible to others. Never leave your devices unattended. Always have a passcode on each screen, and make sure no one is lurking over you when you enter the pin. Look into purchasing a laptop lock to secure the physical safety of your device.

The Value of a Number

If you’re like most college students, you’re eating ramen and shopping at the nearest thrift store. This might be why you haven’t been worried about cyber security in the past. You can barely afford proper nutrition, so you don’t have anything worth stealing. WRONG. Your social security number is incredibly valuable to a hacker who can sell it on the dark web. They can use this to open various credit accounts in your name or hold other precious online information like family photos hostage until you pay their ransom.

Back, Back, Back it Up

We know you have a million other things on your plate right now, but be sure you are backing up your data on a secure cloud system or an external hard drive. Consistently setting a time to backup all of your important documents will help protect you against ransomware and file corruptions.

PDA: Public Displays of Access

Who doesn’t like free stuff? One of the perks of college is that you are probably going to have a lot of freebies thrown at you. This means free WiFi that you can gulp down without having to dry out your data usage while catching up with friends back home. However, even your dorm WiFi can be infiltrated by hackers who access the network’s router, create fake login pages to steal your information or take data from your device. You can protect yourself by not using public WiFi, or purchasing a VPN.

Shhh, Mums the Word

Although it might be easy and sweet to use Fido in your password, make sure to keep your password on each account different and complex. You don’t want to allow a hacker to open Pandora’s box after they figure out your one password. Keep your password private and unique. We recommend incorporating special characters, acronyms or even sentences at random.

We hope that these tips will be helpful in keeping your identity safe in your college adventure!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Cyberbullying: What to Know as Your Kids Start School


Cyberbullying is not fun to talk about. With school creeping up, technology and social media use will be on the rise. Talking about cyberbullying to make your child or children aware of the subject is a step in the right direction. What you may not know is that cyberbullying is any type of harassment, taunting, or threats made on different social media platforms. It is so common these days that sometimes it is unrecognizable. Kids may think the post is funny without thinking about their peer, resulting in them not even defining it as a form of bullying.

With just a click of a button, a demeaning or embarrassing message can quickly be spread to thousands of people. Here are some things you should know about cyberbullying while the school year is in play:

Websites and Apps: There are many different social media platforms out in the world today, for instance: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube, where cyberbullying can reach children even in places where they feel safe. It can spread faster and further to more people and can occur any time of the day. Cyberbullying is different from bullying, as online posts can cause more confusion and emotions than in-person communication. With cyberbullying, there is no escaping online interactions. This is where you can become aware of the social media platforms your child/children are using. Have regular conversations with your child and discuss examples. Do this so they become conscious of the issue, so if they ever become victims or witness it themselves, they can either try to communicate the issue or know ways to fix it.

Cyberbullies Can Act Anonymously: People who participate in cyberbullying may use an anonymous cloak to hide behind. In other words, it may not always be clear who the person is behind the screen. This can be troubling because it ultimately encourages them to be more audacious and difficult to trace. Once again, become aware of the sites your children are using. Also, do not assume that your children will not participate in cyberbullying. As hard as it may seem, even the nicest kids can get swept up in the moment of tormenting another peer as the acts may not seem real. It’s best to be a role model, monitor your own social media and make it clear that bullying is not tolerated no matter the form.

Cyberbullying vs. Just Being Kids: When school starts, children tend to use social media more often than not. They like to use online as a way to email, chat, watch videos, send messages, play games and do homework. It is important for them to know the differences between cyberbullying and the factors of “just being a kid.” The intentions and context of their behavior are crucial when trying to decide if cyber bullying is occurring.  Being mean can be accidental, but when tools are used over the internet to intentionally make someone upset, that is cyberbullying. You can help explain to your child that being online is a place to be responsible and respectful. Help them develop ways to communicate in a responsible manner.

We hope this information brings awareness to you and what your child/children might deal with throughout the school year. It is time to come to terms with the fact that no matter what you do as a parent, your child will be exposed to social media. It is your responsibility to guide and educate them on the correct way to use it.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

How Much You Can Save by Camping on Your Vacation


You deserve a little vacation with your hunny and children, but what can you do that won’t break the bank? Camping is the perfect solution for families looking for frugal fun! We’re here to share a few of the different ways camping saves you cash and packs in the entertainment.

Cost Per Night

Camping costs zero to $30 a night based on if you have to pay a fee to stay at a camping ground. That number looks tiny compared to the hundreds of dollars hotels cost per night. You may have to invest in some camping gear such as a tent, but your investment will be well worth it, as these items last years. Do some research on the best places to stay, and you’ll be a happy camper.

Meal Budget

Cooking s’mores and hot dogs over the fire for meals beats the hefty prices of restaurant food – especially when you travel as a family. Overall, Americans spend an average of $33 per day on food when on a vacation within the U.S. In aggregate, more than 80% of that amount is spent in restaurants. You have the opportunity to control how much money you spend on eating and find fun ways to cook over a fire!

Free Excursions

Instead of paying a few hundred dollars for the family to enjoy zip lining and other excursions, camping brings the nature to you! If you decide to camp at a national park, there are many attractions within that you can see. Wallet-friendly options to family activities include hiking, biking, stargazing and more! As a bonus, you are even able to bring your pets along for the trip.

No Size Limit

No matter how big or small your family or group of friends is, you won’t have to worry about extra large quantities of money being spent. If you had more than four people, you’d need another hotel room – camping doesn’t make you spend hundreds more when another person is added to the group!

Pay With Cash

When you’re on your trip, pay with cash. This helps you spend less and stay more conscious of your spending habits. It’s a lot harder to keep up with how much you’re spending when you don’t see the money leaving your hands. Grabbing grocery items for the fire can sometimes end in getting more than you need, so using cash will help limit your spending and stay on top of your budget.

Vacations are great ways to bond with friends and family, however, you don’t want to lose your savings to have fun. Camping allows you to maintain your frugal lifestyle while still enjoying life to the fullest. If you’re looking to create a budget and start saving for your next camping trip, give us a call or stop in today!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender


Best Practices for Protecting Your Data

Over the years, cyber hacking has been on the rise – nearly doubling from 2016 to 2017. Out of all of those attacks, 93% of all breaches in 2017 could have been avoided with simple cyber hygiene practices according to Online Trust Alliance. That’s why we’ve decided to give you some updates on the latest cyber security practices!

Don’t Click It

Hackers are getting sneakier as to where they place their bugs. You may know not to trust a strange email from someone you don’t know, but what happens when you get an email from your university or a trusted place of business? Hackers have the ability to make their emails look more like something you could trust from a local business compared to the strange phishing emails you may be used to looking out for. Be extra cautious when reading through emails – and don’t click any links or download files if you weren’t expecting that in an email.

Turn On Two-Factor

Two-factor authentication gives you a second layer of protection if your data does get hacked. Many programs and devices offer this authentication choice, so use it whenever possible. This significantly increases your chances of staying safe from a cyber security hack.

Restrict Oversharing

By putting too much information on your sites, a hacker can use that data to hack into an account through your security questions. If you post about your adorable dog, Fido, chances are that dog’s name is in your password or security question. Also try to avoid posting your address, phone number, full name and so forth, as all of that can be used against you.

Generate Multiple Emails

We’ve all heard not to have the same password for everything – and we know many of you are still guilty of that. However, you may have not heard about having different emails for separate reasons. A good rule of thumb is to create three separate emails: one for strictly banking, another for emails to friends and family and one for all your stores and shopping coupons. This will help block hackers from getting into all your different accounts and finding personal data.

Install Ad Blockers

On any web browsers you use, be sure to install ad blockers or turn on your pop-up blockers. This will help save you from trying to close out of something and getting a virus that came up when you were searching online. Having any potential ads blocked will help keep your computer clean and your data safe!

We hope these new practices help protect your data from potential hackers. If you have any questions about your information being safe with us – no need to worry! We’re proud of our security practices and hope you will be able to say the same after making a few improvements.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

4 Ways You Can Budget With an Irregular Income

If you work sales, freelance or are self-employed, you have a major issue to contend with when it comes to personal budgeting—an unpredictable income. While this can make it hard to plan your monthly spending, it’s not completely impossible. Today, Peoples Bank & Trust would like to offer you these tips to budgeting on an irregular income:

1)      Calculate the Bare Bones.

These are the minimum expenses you need to cover every month, usually in the form of your absolute essentials. Rent or mortgage, utilities, groceries, debt repayment and transportation all fall into this category. This way, you know what you absolutely need to get by.

2)      Figure out your discretionary expenses.

These are all the expenses you have after you’ve paid for the basics. This includes the cable bill, streaming services, entertainment, eating out and hobbies. Once you add that to your bare-bones spending, you can figure out how much you spend on average each month.

3)      Use the Zero-Sum budget.

This is where you use the income you brought in from last month to live this month. Once your bare-bone expenses are paid, put away a certain amount for savings, retirement and investments. The rest can then be spent on discretionary expenses.

4)      Have an emergency fund.

It’s recommended that you have three to six months’ worth of expenses in the emergency fund. That way, if you have a lean month, you won’t have to forgo paying a bill. This can be tricky to build, especially if you have no savings to begin with.

A few ways to build this up include setting aside a certain percentage of what you make each month or allocating unexpected income (such as selling something, a gift, a tax refund, etc.) directly into your savings account.

By following these steps, you should find yourself with less of a headache when it comes to living on a balanced budget. If you haven’t already set up a savings, checking or retirement account, come see the experts at Peoples Bank & Trust today. We can help set you on the right financial path.

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

The Most Common Money Problems Americans Face

Savings Tips

For most Americans, the development of personal money management is a lifetime learning process. Faced with firsthand lessons and ongoing expenses, it can be difficult to master the appropriate practices for many common financial obstacles. At Peoples Bank & Trust we want to help you obtain the best financial education possible, and offer these time-tested solutions to get you started.


  1. Creating a Budget

There are countless varieties of budgets, with different structures for all types of lifestyles. The real obstacle is finding the option that works best for you, and sticking to it! Nearly any budget format you choose can help you allocate and manage your money, however, it only works when it is consistent. Be sure that you check your balances at least twice a week to be safe. This will guarantee that you adhere to the amounts specified, keeping your expenses in line with what you’ve planned.


  1. Managing a Credit Score

The largest aspect of successfully managing your credit score is grasping the reins on where your number currently is. Sites such as offer a federally authorized FREE report once per year from each of the three reporting bureaus. This gives you an all-encompassing view of your current credit standing, showcasing some key places for improvement. Many credit card companies now offer additional credit monitoring tools to help you keep an eye on your score month-to-month. We recommend checking it at least once every three months, to be sure you catch any errors or inquiries that may occur.


  1. Saving for Retirement

Due to the longevity of this venture, many people postpone the start of this savings process. However, in this situation, time is of the essence! An extra decade of saving could effectively double your money if you have an appropriate compounding interest rate.  We recommend starting your savings as early as possible, through either a company 401(k) or an independent IRA. The sooner you start, the longer you have for your funds to grow while you continue contributing to their ongoing prosperity.


  1. Paying off Student Loans

Debt is never something we want to hold onto. However, with over 44 million Americans borrowing funds to cover their continued education, the issue of student debt has become increasingly relevant. While we do suggest paying your loans off as quickly as possible, it is also important to ensure you take advantage of your time when starting to save for retirement. Every situation varies, and there is no blanket statement for every scenario. However, as a general rule of thumb, we recommend approaching your student loans with the snowball method, paying them off in order of least amount owed to greatest, while making the minimum contributions to your retirement savings.


Whether you’re ready to set-up a new savings account or create a new budget to better manage your debt, our team of professionals is here to help! Stop by your nearest branch, and speak with a qualified personal banker today.


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Gearing Up for Planning and Planting this Spring!


With spring right around the corner, there are so many things to check off the list before your operation gets going! At Peoples Bank & Trust we offer a variety of agriculture lending options to suit your specific needs! With our custom financing options we work alongside agriculture’s best to help secure them a successful planting season through well-planned finances. Since every operation has different needs and functions, we offer a wide variety of lending options to solve problems at every level.

Farmer Mac Loans- These loans be used for a variety of farm-related expenses, an all-encompassing option for a majority of operations, these are generally considered for day-to-day expenses.

Operating Lines of Credit- Make purchases with ease! Instead of running to the bank for every purchase, this loan enables you to have money transferred directly into your account for each specific check you write.

Equipment Loans- In need of new equipment? This is the perfect solution. Whether looking for new or used, an equipment loan offers the custom financing you need.

Livestock Loans- Propel growth this year with our Livestock Loans! Whether purchasing calves, breeders, or simply growing a herd, this loan option has you covered.

Capital Improvement Loans- Add value to your operation this season with our helpful Capital Improvement Loans. This fulfilling loan helps add to buildings and other current structures, increasing capabilities while adding value to your operation.

FSA Guaranteed Loans- Another great option for your day-to-day expenses, a FSA Guaranteed loan offers assurance and flexibility to our agricultural customers.

We applaud all of our agricultural customers for all that they do and the people they help by doing it! We at Peoples Bank & Trust want to send a sincere thank you to our farmers and operators who work day in and day out, to feed our nation. We appreciate all that you do!

If you’d like to learn more about our agriculture lending or other banking options please visit our website, or call us at (636)528-7001, we’d love to help!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

NMLS #407724


Save $5000 This Year with our 52-Week Challenge


Whether it’s a house, a new vehicle, or other lending options, having a down payment is always a great first step.  In this 52-week challenge you will begin saving a little at a time to accumulate $5000 this year! Here’s how it works, every week you deposit a different amount into your savings account. As the weeks go on you begin to build a steady base little by little. At the end of the year you will have saved $5000 when done correctly. You can also add to the numbers shown below if you’d like to save more than $5000. Simply take the additional amount you would like to save, and divide it by 52. Now add that number to each of the deposit amounts for the year and you have your game plan.


$5000 is a substantial sum of money that offers endless potential, so here are some ideas to get you started!

Vacation: Take a break and enjoy an exciting new destination with your family! Cruises start at less than $700 per person, and a week in Florida typically runs $4000+ for a family of four. The possibilities are endless!

New Vehicle: You can purchase a used vehicle with the $5000 (or less), or you can use the $5000 to put a down payments on a more expensive vehicle you’ve had your eye on.

Down Payment on a Home: Now with FHA loan offerings new home buyers can afford a mortgage easier than ever! Every home is different, but with $5000 you’re off to a great start!

Wedding: A little creativity may be involved but the celebration can go on! With the largest event expenses being the venue, food, and photographer, finding inventive shortcuts can turn $5000 into the wedding of your dreams!

With so many exciting things to save for, be sure to start our 52-week saving challenge ASAP! The sooner you begin saving, the sooner you can enjoy your reward. Let Peoples Bank & Trust help you get off on the right food with our easy and affordable savings account options!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender

Make the Most of Your Finances with our Easy Online Toolkit

Online Banking

Technology is a constantly evolving medium, and we’re continuing to grow with it! At Peoples Bank & Trust we offer a variety of digital tools for our customers. Take a look and discover a new way to manage your finances through our online technology!

Online Banking: Conveniently access all your banking accounts through our secure online portal. Not only does this give you a quick and easy way to manage your finances but it’s also where you can view a complete account history, re-order checks, transfer funds, and more!

Mobile Banking: Enjoy all the perks of online banking from the comfort of your mobile device. This easy mobile tool allows you to keep up on your finances while you’re away or during your busy day. Download our mobile app today for your iPhone, iPad or Android device.

Text Banking: Utilize our quick and easy text messaging service to receive account balances and recent history. Any phone with texting (SMS) capabilities can be used with our Text Banking. Learn the how-to for all things text banking here.

Online Bill Pay: Tired of writing checks for your monthly expenses? With our Online Bill Pay you can schedule reoccurring payments and take the hassle out of paying your monthly expenses. Go through our easy setup process and you can start paying bills directly from your Online Banking account!

Online Loan Applications: You can now apply for a home loan online, from anywhere!  Simply visit the PB&T Mortgage Center on our website and follow the easy step-by-step process.  If you’re not ready to apply, sign up for our Rate Watcher alerts and receive emails when rates change or reach your desired level.

E-Statements: Make a difference and go green with our E-statements at Peoples Bank & Trust. Not only are you helping the environment, but our E-Statements offer a quicker, simpler process to obtain your monthly statements. Simply log-in to your Online Banking page, click on User Services and select Account Statements to sign up!

Here at Peoples Bank & Trust it’s all about YOU, our customers! We love the ease and simplicity these products offer for the everyday financial tasks. Sign up today online or call our E-Banking Department at (636)528-7001 to try them out. We would love to help you find the best product solution for your individual needs!

Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender