Effective Old School Savings Tips


It’s not surprising to hear that your grandparents and parents were frugal when it comes to money. However, that leads us to ask, “How did they get so good at saving?” We’ve gone and found some of the best old school savings methods that are still guaranteed to help you with your funds. Enjoy!

Patience Is Your Pal

Nowadays, it seems like everyone spends money right away on things they may not need. Taking a few days to think about what you want to buy is a great way to build your patience and cut down on impulse buying. Impulse buying can add up to $5,400 a year by just making a couple unplanned purchases each week. They may seem small, but if you don’t stick to your list, those purchases can add up quickly!

Limit Credit Cards

Yes, 25% off on your purchase makes for a great shopping day, but that store credit card only adds to your amount of bills to pay in the future. Work on limiting your credit cards and focusing on paying off your debt and bills for the ones you have left. This will help you begin to be the savvy saver you know you are. A couple credit cards are good to have, as they help you with needed purchases and building credit – just be sure to not go overboard!

Get a Money Saving Hobby

In the good ol’ days, there weren’t cell phones and video games to entertain us. Your grandparents had to find other ways to entertain themselves. These involved hobbies to help pass time. A good hobby to get into is one where it doesn’t cost you money, or will save you money down the road. Try canning food, as this will give you food for the winter when the price of fruit goes up or certain items are no longer on the shelves. You can also learn to sew – that way, your clothes are still functional and you don’t have to buy new ones every time there is a tear.

Cook At Home

Dining out takes a hefty amount from your account. Cooking from scratch is a great way to prepare multiple meals for a family while on a budget. Make a casserole or utilize that crock pot. Not only will dinner be ready, but you’ll have lots of leftovers to bring to work for lunch the next day or two. According to CNBC’s Jonathan Blumberg, if you go out to eat every workday and spend, on average, $10 per meal, it comes out to $2,500 a year. This is why utilizing your cooking skills can help you go a long way financially.

These old ways of saving are a few of the best to stay on track financially. If you’re looking to find better ways to save and take care of your funds, we are happy to help! Give us a call or stop in today, so we can help you succeed financially.


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