Monthly Archives: November 2017

Tips for Cyber-Security When it comes to Your Mobile Device

Odds are you’re probably reading this blog post on your smartphone, which you found through an app and then used it to get directions to Peoples Bank & Trust. Seventy-seven percent of Americans now own a smartphone and use it on a daily basis. With so many people accessing, searching and downloading things on their smartphones, are we really using the same caution and protection we would use when it comes to our computers? Odds are, you’re not. With a few tips, you can start better protecting your smartphone from things like data theft, malware and privacy invasion.

Needed Protection: You may be wondering what exactly needs to be protected when it comes to your smartphone. Luckily, they can be broken down into three categories.

  1. Device Protection – Apple offers Activation Lock, Android has Factory Reset Protection, and Samsung has Reactivation Lock. In case your phone was ever stolen, this kind of protection would wipe all information and data from your phone, which is beneficial if you utilize mobile or online banking.
  2. Data Protection – This protection was designed to keep work information from your place of employment from being spread to your personal apps.
  3. App-Management Security – Having login information, credit card information and other personal information within apps should be protected from falling into the wrong hands. App-management security does just that.

Trusted Apps: Not all apps are created equal. Since it’s becoming increasingly easier for third parties to create apps this means there are more apps out there than there have ever been. One way to help protect yourself is to only download apps from a trusted app store. You should also review existing apps’ privacy policies and settings for permissions.

Public Wi-Fi: One thing you should know is public WiFi is generally not secure. Hackers can get in between you and the Wi-Fi connection point, and when you’re submitting information on your phone you’re actually sending it to the hacker. It’s recommended to protect yourself using a VPN, which encrypts your data, essentially scrambling the information.

Jailbreaking Phones: While it may seem like the cool thing to do to format your phone without the factory standards, you’re actually setting your phone for several security risks. One of those risks is Malware and loss of personal information.

We hope these tips can better protect you and your smartphone. There are several companies that can protect your mobile devices, including Norton Mobile Security and McAfee Mobile Security. If you have any questions or concerns about protecting yourself, we encourage you to contact us. Our team would love to assist you.

How to Get Smart with Your Credit

Today, practicing the simple credit concept of “living within your means” can be extremely difficult due to medical and housing costs growing more rapidly than income in many American households. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t manage your credit and debt responsibly.  Here are a few tips to help you get your credit on track, even when times are tough.

  1. Understand what credit is.  According to Finance Solutions Credit 101, credit is your “promise to pay in the future for purchases made today.”  You may be aware that when applying for credit with a lender, your credit report will be pulled to determine your payment history, amounts owed, credit history, new credit and types of credit, which is all taken into consideration when determining your credit limit.  Understanding the terms and fees associated with your credit will help you make more educated decisions in terms of lenders, especially if you were to become overextended.


  1. Maintain healthy debt.  Maintaining healthy debt is all about making good choices when it comes to debt.  This means developing a happy medium in terms of credit history, exercising timely bill payments and managing a variety of credit accounts.

A good example of this is the attractive additional 25% off at your favorite store in exchange for signing up for their store credit card at the moment of purchase.  Doing this once or twice is harmless enough, but if you are maintaining credit cards for a variety of stores, this can negatively affect your credit score by repeated hard inquiries and hidden terms not discussed in the rushed sign up process.  Overall, the potential damage to your credit may not be worth the immediate savings.


  1. Stay out of the credit danger zone.  Similar to points made in the previous two tips, you need to make good choices when it comes to purchasing on credit.  Watch your accounts carefully to avoid overextending yourself, keep your balances low and always pay your bills on time.

If you are in a position where you can’t pay your bill on time, communicate with your lender to make them aware of the situation and determine an alternate rate of payment.  And we get it, emergency expenses come up, but the best way to handle these is to do your best to prepare for them.  If you don’t have an emergency savings fund built up, start one today and prepare yourself for the unexpected to avoid unplanned credit charges.

Managing your credit responsibly can be extremely difficult, and due to unforeseen circumstances you may already be in over your head.  Reach out to us to discuss your financial management needs today.  We are here to help you get on track!



How to Financially Prepare for Natural Disasters

When it comes to preparing your finances for certain occasions, natural disasters usually aren’t one of the events that come to mind. However, not creating an emergency fund for the unexpected could hurt you immensely since Mother Nature doesn’t care whether you’re prepared or not. That’s why Peoples Bank & Trust has put together a few tips on how you can ready yourself for a natural disaster.


Make Your Fund a Priority

While some disasters come with a warning, others do not. If you try to prepare too quickly and scramble to figure out what the best strategy for saving your emergency fund is, things will fall apart. Adding to your fund by taking a little out of each paycheck will help you to begin saving quickly. For example, an emergency fund of $500 would be able to pay for a small family’s hotel, transportation, or food if a disaster occurred.


Have Cash On Hand

When being forced to evacuate, ATMs may be overrun or go down, meaning there is no way for you to get cash. Power can go out, leaving debit and credit cards useless. By having cash on hand, you will be able to know that you can purchase necessities when an event occurs.



Be sure to have a fireproof and waterproof box with documents you will need to pick up the pieces after a disaster. You will need documents that have numbers and information to your bank, creditors, health insurance, and property insurance. By having your personal, legal, health, and financial documents together, moving through the disaster will be a much smoother process. Other documents to include would be passports, birth certificates, health records, social security cards, bank routing numbers, deeds, income tax information, and more.


Take Inventory

Be sure to take videos and photos of your belongings. Photograph the interior and exterior of your home along with your vehicle. By documenting all of your belongings and the state they were in, you can be sure that your insurance company won’t shortchange you.

We don’t ever hope a natural disaster will strike, but it’s better to be prepared if something does occur. By having some cash on hand when disaster strikes, you will have a foolproof plan to help aid in your recovery. Contact Peoples Bank & Trust to set up an emergency fund or to understand what more you can do in order to be prepared financially!



Top Five Savings Hacks

We all could stand to save a little more money. Whether it’s for an upcoming purchase, a rainy day fund or an emergency fund. Saving money is a skill that benefits you throughout your life. It’s not easy to save, but People’s Bank & Trust has some hacks that you can implement right away to start developing better habits.

Set a Budget

In order to know how much you can save, you need to know exactly how much you’re spending. Sit down and develop a monthly budget to track your necessary expenses versus your monthly income. Any remaining income can be put right into your savings account.

Give Yourself a Goal

It’s easier to put money away when you know what you’re saving for. Whether you’re saving for a vacation, a car or a down payment for a house, you’ll find more success with your saving efforts if you set a monthly goal.

Learn to Say No

Saving money means cutting back on unnecessary expenses so you can limit your spending. That means saying no to going out for dinner with friends, skipping that trip to the movies and spending more time at home where you can save money.

Stick to Cash

Instead of using your debit card to make every purchase, take out cash at the beginning of each week or pay period within your budgeted amount. Once you’ve gotten the cash, leave your debit card at home. You’ll be surprised how much more careful you are as you think about whether you really need to spend the cash.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

It’s easier now to save than ever before thanks to technological advances. Keep track of your account balances using People’s Bank & Trust online banking, or download a budgeting app to your smartphone to keep yourself honest as you save.

If you don’t have good saving habits right now, don’t worry. Everyone has to start somewhere and it’s never too late to start saving. If you want more help with managing your finances more effectively, please contact People’s Bank & Trust and our staff will be happy to help!

3 Tips on How to Make the Holidays Less Stressful

While songs on the radio promise that this is a holly, jolly time of year, for most Americans, the holidays are anything but. A Healthline survey found that an average of 63 percent of adults in the U.S. experience an increase in stress level during the holiday season.

In a way, it seems almost unavoidable. Our routines are interrupted as we travel or host guests. Our healthy eating and exercise habits are thrown out the window. Our finances find themselves in a freefall as we spend just a little too much to buy that perfect gift.

Today, Peoples Bank & Trust would like to help bring the holidays back to the merry time they should be with these tips on how to combat holiday stress:

1)      Stick to your spending plan.

It’s true when they say it’s the thought that counts when it comes to gift-giving. Obsessing over the perfect one not only causes more stress, it can also cause you to overspend. If you start overthinking, stop, put the item down and walk away (or minimize your browser and walk away). Think about the big picture—that ultimately, spending quality time with family is better than anything you can buy them.

2)      Use Moderation.

You may not get to your exercise routine every day, due to schedule restraints. As long as you get up and move every day, give yourself a pass. Before you know it, the New Year will be here and there will be plenty of social pressure to exercise. In the meanwhile, practice watching portion sizes and passing on the extra cocktail. By all means, sample the sweets at the table—just cut yourself bite-sized pieces instead of an entire slice.

3)      Focus on what you have to be grateful for.

It can be easy when you have guests getting underfoot or are inconvenienced at the airport to resent having to spend time with friends and family. In these moments, remind yourself of the things you have to be grateful for—especially the fact that you have loved ones to spend time with. Not everyone is so lucky.

While Peoples Bank & Trust can’t cook your turkey or shop for gifts, we can help you reduce your stress when it comes to finances. Stop by your local branch office today to see how we can help get your holidays off on the right financial foot!


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