Unveiling the New PBTC.net

Take a look at the new PBTC.net to see our new design.

If you have been to our website lately, you have noticed a big change: it’s different! Over the last couple of months we have been working to create a new website with an updated design, better function and improved organization. Why? To help you, our customer, find information faster and make better financial decisions.

We know that changes, especially with your financial institution, can be scary. But we’re here to help. The following is a guided tour to the most important aspects of our new website. We encourage you to read through the guide, then go over to www.pbtc.net and look around for yourself. 

Responsive Design

When we created our new website, is was done so using what is known as “responsive design” techniques. This means that no matter what device you are viewing our website on – desktop, laptop, phone or tablet – the website reorganizes and shrinks itself to provide the entire site with the most important information first.

The responsive design incorporated in our new website.

The responsive design incorporated in our new website.

The Header- Main Navigation, Online Banking Login and Search Bar

The top of the page is your roadmap to the entire website, as well as your access point for your Online Banking account at Peoples Bank & Trust. A search bar is also available to help you scour our website to find exactly what you need.

The main navigation of PBTC.net allows you to access the rest of the site

The main navigation of PBTC.net allows you to access the rest of the site

Marketing Message

This is hard to miss. The main rotating graphic on our home page will be used to let you know about certain products and services, upcoming events or any urgent messages you need to know (closings, security issues, etc.).

Our marketing message holds important announcements or promotions.

Our marketing message holds important announcements or promotions.

Social Feed

How do you stay current with everything going on with Peoples Bank & Trust? The social feed on our home page! It is refreshed every day with the latest posts from our social media accounts and blog so you never miss an update.

Stay current with PB&T's social media through our social feed.

Stay current with PB&T’s social media through our social feed.

Helpful Links

These are a few links to “hotspots” on our website where action can be taken or information is vital for quick decision making. On the home page, you will notice that this menu “sticks” to the bottom of the screen no matter how much you scroll. On every other page throughout the site the Helpful Links bar will be at the bottom of the page.

Our Helpful Links are action-based items meant to get you the resources you need quickly.

Our Helpful Links are action-based items meant to get you the resources you need quickly.

We invite and encourage you to take a look around the new PBTC.net and get used to where everything is located. If you have any questions about our new website or any of the information in it, please feel free to contact your nearest Peoples Bank & Trust bank office today. We look forward to seeing you soon!


Peoples Bank & Trust Co.

Member FDIC

Equal Housing Lender